Chapter 1 ~ McWool

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This is my first fanfiction, ever. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it! If anyone has instagram follow my NCIS fan account: ncis_fan_station 

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


                “Oh no, McGee. Oh no, no.” Tony mocks whilst dramatically covering his eyes with the all too familiar, I-am-going-to-never-let-you-live-this-down look. “Oh McGee, you make this too easy. It’s hardly entertaining anymore.” He pushes his chair away from his desk and strides towards me, his trademark grin stretching across his face. “And you wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend Probie!”  

                “You don’t have a girlfriend either, Tony.” I counter. The comment momentarily stuns him but he hastily recovers, desperate to be the one in control.

                “I don’t need a girlfriend McGee. Commitment’s not really my thing, you see. Anyway back to you McGoo. What in the name of Gibbs are you wearing? Even the autopsy gremlin has better fashion sense then you.”

                “It is called a fleece, Tony.” I state whilst he picks disapprovingly at the fabric.

                “It belongs on a sheep, McWool.” He chuckles, and I sigh.

                “No, Tony. Unlike you I go for practicality rather than uncomfortable, overly-priced, designer suits.” I smile and sip on my now luke-warm coffee. He smiles down at me patronizingly.

                “You would say that, Probie. It’s an MIT thing, I guess-” He cuts off abruptly when Gibbs walks in and smacks him over the head. “Sorry boss, just giving our little Probie here some advice.”

                “Cut him some slack, DiNozzo. It must be hard for the Elf Lord to know how to dress.” I sigh, again. After Gibbs had overheard Tony calling me that, he now seems to find it amusing too. “Where’s Ziva?” He questions and I look around. I had been too preoccupied with Tony’s teasing to notice that she was over twenty-minutes late.

                “Err. I don’t know Boss, I’ll give her a ring.” Tony offers, I detect a hint of worry in his voice. We wait silently until Tony shakes his head, “not answering. Trace it McGee.”

I frantically type in her number and pull up the search.

                “Something’s gone wrong, Boss. I’ve got her in three different locations.” I admit. Something wasn’t right. This was set up.

                “Well undo it McGee!” He orders exasperatedly.

                “I’m trying, but I’m being blocked. Someone’s stopping me.”

                “Well give us each one of the addresses and we’ll search each one.”

                “Boss, are you sure that is a good idea. This can’t happen accidently.” He shoots me the look and I quickly shut up, before reeling off the addresses and jotting them down.  


Sorry it was short, they get much longer. If you liked it please vote and if you have any feedback/suggestions/spotted any mistakes, I would love a comment! If you have any free time I would also appreciate if you checked out my other book, Just Surviving! Thanks, probies!

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