Chapter 4 ~ Beardy

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Sorry it's so short, the rest will be longer! Enjoy :)


*Tony’s POV*

“You can speak to her if you want.”

I yank the phone out of his hand hoping to cause as much damage as possible.


                “Yes, Tony. I am here and fine. Don’t worry about me, but please get yourself out, it is not me they are after.”

                “Ziva, how do you always manage to get me this deep into crap? A few years ago, thanks to you I ended up held captive in a Somalian terrorist gap, relying on Gibbs’ gut. Now, look where I am. Tied to a railing in a warehouse with a few of my best terrorist buddies..." I rant, honestly just relieved that she is alright.

                “Well, I am so sorry DiNozzo.” She whispers sarcastically.

                “Do you want to know what movie this reminds-“I start, until she rudely interrupts.

                “No, I really don’t Tony. I’m more interested in how you are getting out of there!”

                “Well, you know me too…” I say casually, trying not to gain my captors attention, “the plotline was too cliché for me. The boss arrived just in time.”

                “Tony that was what I was thinking too. But, apparently they are after the entire team. Not just us.”

                “Well, maybe-“, the bearded man snatches the phone away from my ear. “Now, that was just rude.” I state, being my usual joking self, until he punches me square in the nose. “Uhh!” I moan, covering my bloody nose with my hand.

                “Tony? Tony?” I hear a muffled Ziva shouting.

                “Chats over.” Hisses beardy as he hangs up. He stares at me menacingly.

                “S’up Beardy.” I mutter, angry about my nose.

                “What?” He whispers, outraged.            

                “S’up. It’s a greeting. All the cool kids use it, are you not a cool kid Beardy.”

                “Stop calling me that!” He shouts in my face, spit spraying out between his crooked teeth. I try not to cringe away from him.

                “We’ll make a deal then. I’ll find you a new nickname, if you buy some toothpaste. How about-“I am cut off by another well placed blow to the jaw, and then another, and then another. I fall to the ground completely disorientated. I manage to see Beardy traipse away, dragging his feet against the stained concrete as he goes. Yelling starts as soon as he walks out of sight, Hebrew again. I was in trouble…


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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