*Chapter One*

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   I come to a stop in a small clearing I sit and watch the group of three. The adult male lights a fire and I lean my back into the trunk of the tree that I am in. I make sure not to make any noise when I adjust my ponytail, tightening it before leaning back again. 

    "We making s'mores?" The boy asks him.

    "No." He wipes his hands off and stands up. "We're making a signal. Help me gather some dry leaves to let the home office know that we're here."

    "Well what if that's not enough?" The woman asks. "What if the empty communicator wasn't an accident?" I remember seeing their faces when they saw that the batteries were replaced with sand. Pretty pathetic. What did they expect?

    "Don't let the kid get in your head," He says to her. I hear a noise, and they obviously hear it too. They look over as some of the Boys slowly make their way into the clearing. The stranger's faces mixed with surprise and fear makes me laugh on the inside. I see a familiar face, Felix, walking over to them as he smirks.

    "Who are you?" The man says. Felix keeps on walking towards him, successfully freaking them out.

    "We're the home office," he says, smiling. "Welcome to Neverland."

    "The home office, is a bunch of teenagers?" The lady asks, clearly annoyed and unimpressed.

    "They're not teenagers," The young boy says, "They're the Lost Boys."

    "Well look at that," Felix says.

    "Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?"

    "Who said we want to destroy magic?"

    "That was our mission," The man cuts in with a confused look on his face.

    "So you were told," Felix says with a smirk. "Now the boy. Hand him over."

    "Not until you tell us the plan," The woman says, "For magic. For getting home." Felix just smiles and looks right into their eyes.

    "You're not getting home."

    "Then you're not getting the boy," The man says. Felix looks down at the ground, laughs, and looks back up with a smile on his face.

    "Of course we are."

    I look up to see Pan's shadow swoop down out of the sky and take hold of the man's shadow. Successfully ripping it away, while the man screams and falls to the ground. The other two newbies stare in awe as the two shadows fly away.

    "Run!" The woman tells the boy. The kid takes off running in the opposite direction of Pan's camp site. Doesn't he know that he can't outrun the Boys?

    "Get the boy," Felix says and the other Lost Boys follow him. One of them shoots an arrow at the woman's back, who is trying to escape, and she falls down on her stomach as it pierces her. Felix turns and walks away from them, along with the rest of the boys who remained. I smile and jump into the next tree and start to follow the Boys and the new kid. I fly through the trees, faster than the Boys and I eventually catch up with the young boy. I am right above him when he trips and falls to his stomach. I smirk when I see a hand reach out from the bushes and pull in the boy right before the Lost Boys run past. I hop into another tree to get a better view and I see, the one and only, Peter Pan talking in a hushed voice to the boy.

    "Thanks," The boy whispers to him. Pan leans in close.

    "Pan and his forces are in tune with every grain of sand on the island. We must be careful," Pan says, being quite dramatic in my opinion. He takes out a knife and starts to cut the boys hands free.

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