*Chapter Seven*

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    I slowly wake up and push myself into a seated position. It's still night time and the stars are out, and shining brightly. I look over at Scarlet to see her already awake. My ears adjust to the sound of fighting. I see Henry bend down and grab a long stick. He swings it at the another boy, who fights back. They fight back and forth when suddenly Pan appears.

   "Not bad," he says, as they stop fighting and turn towards him. "But wouldn't it be more fun if you had real swords?" He asks, walking over to Henry. Scarlet and I watch with wide eyes, knowing this can't be good.

   "I- I've never used a real sword," Henry stutters, as the other boy watches slightly frightened.

   "This is Neverland, and you have the heart of the truest believer." Pan smirks while circling Henry. I shake my head and sigh.

   "You can use whatever you want," He continues, "You just need to believe, Henry." He takes ahold of the stick with Henry and points it at the boy.

   "Close your eyes and believe your holding a real sword," He says to him. Henry closes his eyes and his stick turns into a sword, in the blink of an eye. I see Scarlet biting her lip and staring as Pan smirks and Henry opens his eyes and looks at his sword.

   "Well what are you waiting for?" Pan asks as Henry looks at the boy then back at the sword.

   "Pan no," Scarlet says, but he just glares at her. She glares back and opens her mouth to say more, but I grab her shoulder and stop her.

   "Just don't," I whisper. She sighs and looks back at Jake and Jasper.

   "Go on," He tells Henry, who makes a swing at the boy. The boy steps back and Henry goes forward, swinging and hitting the boy's stick. They keep doing this for a few seconds as Pan watches in excitement.

   "Go for it! Keep going!" Pan exclaims as they keep fighting. The boy has fear in his eyes as Henry cuts his stick in half. Henry keeps swinging at the boy as he watches in fear. Henry hits the boy and he falls back. The lost boys cheer and I hear Scarlet growl lowly. Pan raises and eyebrow and smirks. The boy stands up holding his hand over the small cut on his face.

   "I- I'm sorry," Henry apologizes, "It was an accident." The boy removes his hand from his face and glares at Henry. I take a deep breath to keep calm.

   "Henry don't you know the best thing about being a lost boy?" Pan asks as he bends down and picks up the sword which Henry dropped. "You never apologize," He says holding the sword. Scarlet starts to walk towards him but I hold her back.

   "Come on," Pan says as the boys let out another loud cheer. Henry smiles and says 'yeah' while Scarlet and I  just shake our heads. Once the yelling dies down and the boy who fought with Henry walks away Scarlet goes over to Pan.

   "What is your problem?" She snaps at him.

   "We were having some fun," He replies with a smirk.

   "You call that fun? That was stupid! What the hell is wrong with you?" She glares at him as he opens his mouth to reply, but she cuts him off by slapping him in the face. He raises his hand to his face as she storms off after the boy. I shake my head and sigh. Pan walks off into the woods but comes back shortly. I start to walk over to him but he stops me before any words leave my mouth.

   "Don't even start," he says, "I know you think that what I did was horrible, but that's how my boys work. They get hurt and brush it off."

   "That's not what I was thinking." He raises an eyebrow and I smile. "I just wanted to say that, next time, you be the one to fight Henry. If you are willing to risk your boys getting hurt, you should be willing to fight him yourself." He sighs and shakes his head, smiling slightly.

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