*Chapter Twelve*

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   I came back to my house, Scarlet, Jasper, and Jake close behind. I had to explain why my house was different and then I told them what had happened with Wendy and Henry earlier. Scarlet sighs and suddenly her face lights up and she smirks.

   "Wanna go swim?" She asks us. I smile and we nod our heads.

   "Yeah. Just a second. I'm going to go change," I say to her and she nods her head. "You guys go ahead I'll meet you there." I say and they walk off towards the beach. I turn around and walk up the newly placed stairs into my house. I push back the sheets that were hung around the bed and walk into the next room. I pull out some pants that I had cut into shorts that now come up to my thighs, and a blue tank top. I change quickly and when I turn around I jump, seeing Pan walk into the room and I sigh.

   "What are you doing? You scared me," I say and he just chuckles.

   "I need another favor." I roll my eyes and nod my head, motioning for him to finish. "I just need your bed sheets." I raise an eyebrow and shrug.

   "Only if I can come see why you need them." He thinks about it for a few seconds and then nods.

   "Fine. But you can't interrupt," He says as he starts to pull the sheets of my bed. "And what are you wearing?" I look down at my clothes and shrug.

   "I was about to go swimming. I didn't think I needed to dress up for that," I say raising an eyebrow and he shakes his head.

   "Come on." He walks out of the door and turns back to look at me. "You might want to put something else on." I roll my eyes but pull on a longer skirt over my shorts. I stay barefoot and run outside to see Pan sitting on the last step, the bag with my sheets sitting next to him. I hop down the steps and tap his shoulder. He turns and looks up at me.

   "You ready?" I ask and he stands up and picks up the bag. We walk to his camp in silence. When we arrive I see Wendy standing off to the side by her cage. Pan orders some of the boys to get a cot for Wendy and they bring it over a few minutes later. "Liz, put the sheets on the cot for me. I need to get Henry." I roll my eyes, taking the bag from him and arranging the cot. I see Pan walking over with Henry and Wendy sits on the cot. I step of to the side and walk over to where some of the boys are standing. I watch Pan as he helps Wendy lay down and he pulls the blanket up to her chin.

   "How is she?" Henry asks.

   "I fear she's getting worse, Henry," Pan says standing up.

   "But if I save magic, she'll live?"

   "Yes. But more than that, Henry. If you save magic, you'll save us all. But to do it, you have to truly believe." Wendy coughs loudly for effect and I roll my eyes.

   "I do," Henry says looking back at Pan.

   "Good, because we don't have much time. Follow me." Pan walks into the middle of camp and Henry follows close behind.

   "My brothers!" Pan says standing up on a rock. "Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the heart of the truest believer shall fulfill its destiny, and with it our destiny." The boys walk over to them and stand around them.

   "Tonight, Henry saves magic!" Pan yells and the boys cheer and yell. Pan looks around and his eyes land on me and he smirks as the boys continue to cheer.

   I smile at Pan and stick out my tongue at him. I stay leaning on a tree while I watch the boys jump and yell, Henry soon joining them. After a few minutes, I motion to Pan that I am leaving and he nods his head as I turn to go to the beach. Not breaking eye contact until I turn my head. Even then, I can feel his eyes following me.


   "What took you so long?" Scarlet asks when I get to the beach. They are all soaking wet and they start walking out of the water to come over to me.

   "I went to Pan's camp. He needed my bed sheets. Wait... that sounded weird." I shake my head and continue. "Anyways, Henry is planning on saving magic tonight, or something."

   "How's he gonna do that?" Jake asks.

   "I don't know, but I have a feeling Pan has a plan that doesn't end with Henry alive," I say and Scarlet nods in agreement.

   "That makes sense," She says looking down. "But it doesn't matter at the moment. Come on in." She smiles and I take of my skirt and walk into the water. I smile and dive in and swim out into the deeper part without coming up. Eventually I swim back up to the top and take a breath. I see Scarlet and Jasper splashing each other and talking. I look around to try to find Jake but I don't see him. I frown and almost have a heart attack when I feel a hand wrap around my ankle. I shriek and take a deep breath before they pull me under. I slowly open my eyes and I see two green eyes staring back at me. I recognize Jake and I glare at him and he laughs, air bubbles coming out of his mouth. He points up, I nod and we swim up to the surface.

   "Jerk," I say glaring at him as he laughs.

   "That was funny," he says and I roll my eyes as we tread water.

   "Whatever." I look over to see Jasper getting out of the water and walk into the woods. "Where's he going?" I yell to Scarlet.

   "He's getting some towels or something!" She yells back as she gets out of the water and sits on the shore. I shrug and turn to Jake and dunk him under the water. He comes up gasping for air and I laugh at him.

   "That's what you get." He playfully glares at me and my eyes widen as he swims closer.

   "You're gonna pay for that." I start to swim out deeper but he quickly catches up with me. I scream when he wraps his arm around my waist and I turn around and punch his arm. He lets me go and I keep swimming out deeper. I am about to say something to him when I see someone coming out of the bushes and sit down next to Scarlet.

"Jake, who's that?" I ask and he turns around and squints at the pair on the shore.

"I don't know. I can't see him." He raises his eyebrows and I gasp when the two lean in and kiss.

"What the hell?!"


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