*Chapter Nine*

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   Scarlet and I left Pan's camp earlier and we are now climbing through the trees. Scarlet suddenly stops and motions for me to quiet down. I listen and hear Rumpelstiltskin's voice. I slowly move over and see him and Regina standing next to the ocean, talking to a mermaid with bright red hair.

   "Pan has ears everywhere." Rumpelstiltskin was just saying. Scarlet nods her head in agreement, even though they can't see her. "We can't risk telling them." He makes magic appear in his hands.

   "Then how?" The mermaid asks.

   "Find the woman named Belle. Then give her this," He replies holding up a sand dollar and he tosses it to her. "She'll know exactly what to do." She catches it and nods her head.

   "Belle, Storybrooke, got it.. and Eric? Where will I find him in this new world?" She asks.

   "Well that comes after you've succeeded," Regina replies. I motion for us to leave and Scarlet nods following me, once more, to Pan's camp. When we get there we find him and Felix sitting on a log sharpening their weapons.

   "What is it?" Felix asks Pan as he smirks.

   "Someone's leaving Neverland," He replies. Scarlet hops down from the tree and I follow her over to Pan.

   "That would be a mermaid," Scarlet says.

   "She's working for Regina, and Rumple," I continue.

   "She's going to get something and bring it back to them," She finishes.

   "Then I should hurry and stop them," Felix says about to get up.

   "Oh it's too late. Don't worry Felix," Pan says, "We simply need to get word to our friends on the ground."

   "Storybrooke?" Felix asks.

   "Oh they can handle this." Pan smirks. "All it does is move up our time table much. We need to get Henry ready," He says as they both get up.

   "I need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage," He says smirking.

   "Who's in the other cage?" Scarlet asks.

   "You'll find out soon," He replies and we all look over to the other cage. We sit down and watch as Pan walks over to Henry and talks to him. Henry stands up and walks away and Felix goes over to Pan who stands up. We decide that this is a good time to leave. We get up and go to the trees and we arrive back at my campsite shortly. I see the boys sitting around, clearly bored.

   "I win, I get the X this time," Jake says as he draws another tic-tac-toe. Scarlet chuckles and walks over to them.

   "Hey boys." She smiles sits between them.

   "You're back." Jake smiles.

   "That took forever," Jasper says dramatically.

   "Hey guys, I'm making supper," I say, going into my tree house. I sigh and pull my hair up into a ponytail. I walk over to my small kitchen area and pull out a few ingredients and set them on the counter. I hear someone climbing up into my tree and I assume it's Scarlet.

   "Don't worry I don't need any help, Scarlet," I say without turning around. I hear a manly voice answer back, and I jump around to see Jake standing there.

   "I'm not Scarlet, obviously. She went to the beach with Jasper," He says.

   "And how do you feel about that?" I smirk at him and he chuckles.

   "Surprisingly okay." I laugh and he walks over to me. "You know she has a thing for Pan, right?" I sigh and slowly nod my head. He gives me a sympathetic look and I smile slightly.

   "Yeah," I whisper quietly.

   "You like him too, I'm guessing," He says. I shrug and turn around, my back facing him.

   "No! How could I like him?"

   "I can kind of tell, but whatever helps you sleep at night, honey." I turn to glare at him and he laughs.

   "I honestly don't know anymore." I sigh and shake my head and Jake walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and he smiles. He lets go of me but still holds onto my shoulders and looks at me.

   "Don't worry, Liz. I don't really like Pan. And if the big brother doesn't like the boy, then it's not gonna work out." I laugh and he smiles, letting go of me completely.

   "Thanks, Jake. But I still don't even know what I think of Pan," I say, sighing, "Two years and I still can't figure him out." He nods his head as if he understands and he leans his back against the wall, standing in silence for a few seconds.

   "Anyways, do you know if Scarlet likes Jasper?" He asks suddenly.

   "I have no idea. I don't know about you, but I totally love the idea of them together." I laugh and he just smiles, his white teeth almost glowing. I can't help but notice his good looks. Defined jawline, straight nose, his bright green eyes, and pitch black hair. Although he is just gorgeous, I can't see him as anything other than a friend.

   "I love it more than the idea of her and Pan, but I guess I can't chose who my little sister likes." I nod my head and laugh as I finish putting the food onto the plates. I turn to hand Jake a plate and I walk over to the two chairs that I have sitting next to a small table. Jake follows me and sits across from me. We eat our food in silence and when I finish I take our plates and set them on the counter and fill up two cups of water for Jake and I.

   "Scarlet and Jasper should be back soon. They've been gone for a while..." Jake suddenly remembers, and he frowns. "They've been gone for a really long time." He jumps up from his seat and runs to the door. I shake my head and laugh as I follow him out, and down the ladder. I hop to the ground and walk over to where Jake is standing. I hear a sound in the bushes and we see Scarlet and Jasper come through the bushes, soaking wet. I wrinkle my nose and look away from Jasper, who's shirt is clinging to his chest. Scarlet is out of breath as she stutters.

   "We- a, um, the thingy- Ugh! We saw a portal open and someone falling out of it," she says quickly. My eyes widen and walk over to her.

   "Do you think you could point the way?" I ask. She nods her head and nods in the general direction.

   "It's somewhere over there. We should probably leave soon if we want to get to the person before Pan or Emma and them get to him... or her. Oh, whatever!" She says throwing her hands up in the air. I laugh as we start walking towards where Scarlet saw the portal open.


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