*Chapter Thirteen*

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   Jake and I start swimming towards shore, the only thing we can do is watch. Scarlet pulls away from the kiss and jumps up, quickly running down the beach and into the shadows of the trees. Jasper comes out of the forest, looking mad as hell as he races to catch up to Scarlet. As we finally get the shore, my blood starts to boil when I see Damian. Sitting on the beach looking very pleased with himself.

   "Does anyone want to tell me, what the hell just happened?!" I yell. Damian looks me up and down and smirks as I glare at him.

   "Gladly," Damian says. "I used a potion that allows my image to be changed into anyone, for a certain amount of time."

   "That still doesn't explain why we can see you as you, and who you're supposed to look like," Jake says, surprisingly calm.

   "Well, the potion only works on one person. And that person is Scarlet. And in her eyes, I look like... Well, I'm assuming I look like Jasper, considering the fact that she wanted to kiss me." I glare at him as he stands up. I walk up to him and without saying another word, I punch his left cheek. He cries out in pain and Jake chuckles from behind me. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him towards me.

   "If you think, for one second, that you are going to leave here unpunished, think again." I punch him in his stomach and he doubles over in pain. I am about to punch him again when I feel two arms wrap around my waist, successfully holding me back. I thrash around a bit, trying to break free, before sighing and leaning back into Jake. "I really hate you at the moment," I whisper to him. He laughs and turns me around to face him, his hands still on my shoulders.

   "I know. But you'll thank me later," He says, smiling slightly. I nod my head and take a deep breath, pushing his hands off of my shoulders and walking into the forest, leaving Jake to take care of Damian. After a while off walking around in no particular direction, I see Jasper walking towards me with an angry expression on his face.

   "Where's Scarlet?" I ask him.

   "Back there." He points back to where he came from and stalks off without another word. I walk in the direction he showed me and eventually, I find Scarlet sitting on some rocks on the beach that overlooks the water. The waves crash against the rocks, creating a mist over her. She sits there with her head in her hands, crying and shaking her head.

   "It was him. How could it have been him?" She asks as she looks up at me, her eyes red and puffy from the crying. "How did I not notice? How could I have been so stupid?"

   "He used a potion that changed his image, Scarlet. You couldn't have done anything about it." I sigh and sit down next to her. "You like Jasper, I'm assuming."

   "I don't know. I thought I did, but when he kissed me, I saw someone else and now my feelings are all mixed up."

   "Who?" I ask flatly.

   "I don't know."

   "Yes you do. Tell me."

   "Pan," She whispers. I nod my head and stand up, forcing a smile onto my face.

   "That's what I thought." I start to walk away slowly, as she wipes her cheeks, still stained with tears.

   "Are you okay?" I nod my head and smile. "Liz! Where are you going?" I turn to walk away but she stands up and grabs my arm to stop me. "Liz. What is your problem?" I turn around and stare at her blankly.

   "Problem? I don't have a problem. What makes you think I have a problem," I say sarcastically. She raises her eyebrows at my cold tone and shakes her head.

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