Chapter Twenty-Two: Captivity

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Captivity

I had lost track of the days, but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around a week. 'Annie' barely kept me alive with bread and water. She constantly accused me of sleeping around with my friends, but she never believed me and would punish me for my 'lies'. The worst one was when I told her that I hadn't even slept with Toby yet. "LIAR," she screamed, pushing the chair back, and I landed on the hard concrete floor on my head. She came to stand next to me, placing a foot on my throat. "LYING IS AGAINST THE RULES, REMEMBER?!" she applied pressure and I began choking. She had dropped the formal pretenses and only ever yelled now. "WHEN YOU BREAK THE RULES," the pressure of her foot on my throat increased and my vision was filled with black dots, "YOU DIE." She finally removed her foot and I gasped for air, but that wasn't the end of it whatsoever. Everyday, I was thrown into walls, locked in the closet, punched, kicked, choked, pushed into the floor, my hair was ripped out, anything she could do to break me. "ADMIT YOUR SINS," she screeched, holding me back against the wall. I wouldn't break though. If I was going to die, she wasn't going to be happy about it.

"No," I smirked, shaking my head. "I won't admit to a sin I didn't commit."

She spit in my face before dropping me, kicking me in the gut twice for good measure, and storming out of the room. I layed in a heap on the floor, desperately wishing that somebody would find me. Then, I thought about what I always thought of when I was on the brink of giving up: Toby. I thought about how worried he must be, and that he must be looking for me. They would find me eventually. I just had to hold on until then.

//Toby's POV//

I paced around the room, waiting for the detective to call me back. Violet had been missing for eight days now, and everyone was staying over at our house. Marzia was sobbing into Felix's chest, and Ian and Anthony were sitting on the couch staring at their phones. Jack and Sean came too, waiting for Violet to come home. "I'm going to go look for her," I grabbed my black TOBUSCUS jacket before walking out of the house into the chilly night air. I had no idea why I was out looking I mean, I had absolutely no idea where she was, but I couldn't just sit around doing nothing! I could only walk for so long, though... Right as I reached my driveway after another two hours of hopeless searching, my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered.

"Mr. Turner?" the man on the other line asked.

"Who is this?"

"This is Police Chief Smith. We think we've found Violet."

My heart jumped into my throat. "You did?! Where is she?! Can I see her? Do you have her?"

"Please, calm down, Mr. Turner. The police will handle this, and Miss Gray will be home soon." I hung up angrily. How could they not tell me where she is?! I sprinted into the house, slamming the door.

"Toby?" Jack walked over. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not okay!" I exploded, pacing around the living room. "They said that they found Violet but they won't tell me where she is!"

"Toby," Marzia whispered in her sweet and calming voice, "it's fine. If they found Violet, then she'll be okay. She'll come home, and we can all just calm down, alright?"

My breathing slowed as Marzia spoke softly to me, and I dropped onto the couch. "Why?" I shook my head. "Why does everything bad happen to her? Nothing has gone right for her," I buried my face in my hands. "Why her?"

//Violet's POV//

I screamed at the top of my lungs as Annie thrusted the knife into my stomach. "STOP LYING!!" she demanded.

"I promise, I'm not lying!" I yelled. "Please, believe me!"

"NO!" the knife twisted, and I squeezed my eyes shut. "ADMIT IT OR DIE!" the blade twisted in my gut and I screamed, sobbing.

"OKAY!" my will caved. "I DID IT, ALL OF IT!"

"That's what I thought," Annie smirked, pulling the knife out slowly, "slut." She dropped me and I slid down the wall, lying in a ball on the floor, before walking out of the room triumphantly.

Toby never came for me, I cried silently as I applied pressure to the knife wound, trying to stop the bleeding unsuccessfully. I could feel my heart slowing, and I knew that I would bleed out any minute now. Nobody came for me. I was left to the mercy of a madwoman. Right on cue, that madwoman returned in a fit of rage. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!? HOW DID YOU REACH THEM?!" she demanded answers to unknown questions. "GOD DAMMIT, C'MON," she grabbed my wrist, trying to lift me up. "WE NEED TO GO, NOW." She couldn't lift me though, and dropped me back onto the ground.

"This is the LAPD. Come out with your hands in the air," a man's voice resonated throughout the warehouse. "You're surrounded."

"Do you see what you've done?!" Annie screamed at me in a panic, but her words were muddled. "This is all your fault! EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT."

Suddenly, Annie disappeared from my vision, replaced by a man. "Monica Welsh, you're under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder," he recited as he handcuffed her. "Anything and everything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law," h completed the Miranda Rights as another man rushed in and kneeled next to me.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" he shined a flashlight in my eyes... Ow.. "Unreponsive!" he called. "We need a stretcher in here! ASAP." His voice turned gentle and caring, "Don't worry, sweetie. We're going to get you out of here, and you're going to be alright. Can you hear me?" I nodded slightly. "Good girl. Can you tell me what she did to you?" I couldn't talk.. "That's fine. WHERE'S MY STRETCHER, GOD DAMMIT?!" he stood and yelled.

I was taken to the E.R where my wounds were treated. But no matter how many bandages they put on me, I could never be fixed, because this was the straw to break the camel's back. I was, to put it simply, broken.

Opposites Attract: A Toby Turner/ Tobuscus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now