Chapter Thirty: Going Home With A Surprise

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Chapter Thirty: Going Home With A Surprise

Toby and I were on the plane home, and it would be landing soon. I couldn't have wished for a better honeymoon. Toby took my hand in his, and I turned my head to see him smiling at me. I grinned back and squeezed his hand. "Ready to go home?" he asked.

"Of course not," I laughed. "Well, yes and no at the same time. I want to see everyone again, but at the same time, I wish we could've stayed there forever."

"I know what you mean," he chuckled under his breath. The plane landed shortly after, and Toby and I saw the usual group when we entered the terminal. Ian, Anthony, Felix, Marzia, Jack and Sean were there waiting for us.

"Violet!" Marzia hugged me tightly. "I missed you!"

"Hurtful," Toby whined in his baby voice, and Marzia rolled her eyes before laughing and hugging him too. Hugs were exchanged among everyone and we talked all the way through security, luggage, until we reached the parking lot. We seperated to get into our individual cars, but promised to meet up at Toby and I's house.

Toby and I walked into our house together, and as soon as we opened the door Gryphon came running, barking and jumping on top of us. I laughed and when I picked him up he licked my face. "Gryphon, gross," I giggled.

"Hey, that's my job Gryphsor!" Toby licked my other cheek.

"Ew, Toby!" I stepped back from him. "Don't lick me!"

"Yeah," Jack laughed, walking into the living room behind us. "You can wait until your friends are gone!"

"We don't want to see that," Felix agreed, dropping onto the couch. We all sat in a circle discussing what had happened while we were gone, and Marzia jumped off the couch, holding her left hand up.

"Felix proposed!" she giggled, jumping up and down while Felix chuckld and rolled his eyes at her excitement.

"I would have earlier, but I didn't want to steal Toby and Vi's thunder," he explained.

"Congrats, man," Toby fistbumped Felix, and Marzia plopped down next to me on the couch to show off her beautiful diamond ring.

We all ate lunch together, spaghetti of course since Toby is seriously obsessed with the stuff, before everyone started filing out with promises of meeting up again soon.

"Well now that we're alone," Toby winked and kissed my cheek.

"Nope," I laughed, twirling out of his grip. "We have to clean up first."

He groaned, picking up a plate. "Can we clean later?"

"No," I smirked, taking silverware to the kitchen. Toby and I washed the dishes together, and I placed them in the cabinets. "Okay, now we have to-"

"Nope," he pulled me into a hug. "Later," his lips pressed against mine, and I smiled against his lips.

"But Toby," I mumbled, taunting him.

"Later," he repeated, holding my waist. I couldn't taunt him anymore. I gave in, standing on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck.


"What are you thinking about?" Toby poked my cheek and I laughed. We were lying on the bed with my back pressed against his chest.

"You, I guess," I turned over to face him. "Us."

"What about us?"

"Just how much I love you. How much I hated you when we first met," I chuckled and he wiped away a fake tear. "How much I grew to like you as a person. How you kissed me that one night in your car. You know, if you hadn't kissed me that night, I might be dating Ian right now."

"Well I'm glad I'm an idiot, then," he smirked.

"I am too."


The next month flew by in a blur of wedding presents coming in, being called and congratulated, and the flu. I threw up for the third time today as Toby held my hair back. "I'm so sorry, honey," he handed me my toothbrush when I finished. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No," I spit and shook my head. "I just need to lie down. It's been over a week, so I shouldn't be sick much longer."

"Okay," he sighed. "It just kills me that I can't help you."

"I know, Toby," I smiled gently. "Just help me to the couch, okay? I'll be better by the end of the week."

Well, not really. But I wouldn't figure that out for another few days.

Opposites Attract: A Toby Turner/ Tobuscus FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now