Chapter Twenty-Three: A Deep Dark Hole

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Chapter Twenty-Three: A Deep Dark Hole

I had to have surgery on my stomach and stay overnight at the hospital, but nobody was allowed to see me. They said I was in something called "PTS", which I didn't figure out until later meant "Post Traumatic Stress". Huh. I didn't feel stressed. I didn't really feel anything, actually. I was just kind of.. here. I was lying on my back in the hospital room, making patterns out of the dots in the ceiling tiles. Those make a star...those over by the window make a heart... Those make an A... I closed my eyes and shook my head. No, it's fine. She's in jail. She's gone. 

//Toby's POV// 

"What do you mean I'm not allowed to see her?" I yelled at the doctor who was blocking my path into the room. "She's my girlfriend! I'm her emergency contact, doesn't that count for anything?!" 

"I'm afraid not," the doctor refused to let me in. I argued with him for several minutes, but I marched away when he threatened to call security. I had to see Violet. She needed me. And I needed her. 

//Violet's POV// 

"I'm fine," I sighed for the seventh time. 

A therapist had come in to help me, because apparently something was wrong with me. Nothing was wrong with me, though. I'm perfectly normal. "Of course you are, sweetheart," the lady smiled. "I'm just making sure you're completely aware of what happened to you. Now-" 

"I know what happened to me, alright?!" I shouted, sitting up in the bed. I quickly fell back onto the pillow, though, due to my stomach not being fully healed. I didn't let that stop my rant though. "I already told you! I wasn't kidnapped, I went there willingly! Annie hurt me because-" 

"Her name is Monica," the lady corrected. 

"Annie," I continued, "hurt me because she believed that I was sleeping around with the boys." 

"Who are the boys?" 

"Toby, Ian, Anthony, and Felix." 

"Why did she-" 

I interrupted her, "Look, I know what happened to me so just stop reminding me about it! LEAVE ME ALONE!" my heart monitor sped up and the therapist was removed from the room, replaced by a doctor. "Just let me go home," I growled. "I'm fine. I just don't like her." 

"I apologize, Miss Gray," the doctor checked the machines. It was the same man who had taken care of me last time. "May I speak frankly?" 

"Of course," I scoffed. 

He leaned onto the railing of my bed. "I don't know why or how you get forced into these dangerous situations," he shook his head, "but I do know that you are a strong young woman. You weren't supposed to come out of that coma, but you did. You need to get over this little phase that you're going through, an keep that young man of yours happy. He loves you very much," the doctor left without another word. I thought Bout what he said, and decided he was right. I am strong. Looking back at everything I'd been through on my own, I knew I was tough.

The next day, the doctors cleared me to leave the hospital and Toby came to pick me up in his new car. The minute I entered the lobby he beamed and hugged me, but lightly so that he wouldn't hurt my stomach. I wrapped my arms around him as tears streamed down my face. I'd thought I would never see him again... We drove back to the house in silence, but the second we were inside he began demanding answers. "Why did you go?" he dropped his keys on the counter with his back to me. I could tell he was tense by the stiffness in his shoulders. "You should've told me, then none of this would've happened," he turned around, his face a mixture of anger and grief.

"I thought she had Felix and Marzia. I wasn't going to put them in danger, Toby. I can handle myself."

"Oh, yes, we all know that, Vi," he scoffed. "We all know perfectly well you can handle yourself, what with the crash, and allowing yourself to be tricked into going into an abandoned warehouse," he shouted. "If you had thought for just two seconds, you wouldn't have gone alone!"

"I'm fine!" I yelled. "I'm alive, aren't I?!"

"Are you?" he asked, motioning to me with both hands. "Because you sure as hell don't seem like it! Do you want to die, Vi? All you ever do is put yourself in danger! Why didn't you just tell me?!"

"I don't need you!" I screamed. "I can handle myself!" I started towards the bedroom.

"Violet, wait! I'm sorry, please! We can get through this together," Toby called after me, but I slammed the door anyway. I didn't need to get through anything with anyone. I had managed on my own up to this point, what gave him the right to assume I needed him now? I snatched a blanket and pillow, throwing them at Toby who was still standing shocked in the living room.

"Have fun on the couch, jerk!" I screamed, slamming and locking the bedroom door.

Opposites Attract: A Toby Turner/ Tobuscus FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora