School Blues

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*Sapphire's POV*

I quickly walk down the hallways to my locker,keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I glanced up for a minute and saw that my locker wasn't that far away,good. I was about to get to my locker until I bumped into someone.

"Oh shit,sorry!" I said not bothering to look at who I bumped into. Before I knew it I was being pinned against the locker,my breath hitched from my collar being gripped so tightly.

"Yeah,you better be!" said an oddly familiar voice. I looked down a bit to see Ruby with a harsh glare. I was about to apologise again until I felt a sharp pain on my cheeks,she slapped me. I could feel the tears prick my eye as I gripped my cheek.

Ruby let go of me as I dropped to the floor. Her,the diamonds,Jasper and Ruby's girlfriend Citrine all snickered as Ruby slung her arm around Citrine's shoulder as they walked away. I slowly got up as I picked up my papers,most of which had shoe prints on them. I dusted off my jeans as I fixed my bangs in front my eye and walked the short distance to my locker. I grabbed my Math book and continued my trek to class.

"School sucks" I mumbled to myself as I walked.


"I can't believe they did this to you!" Lapis exclaimed as she put a bandaid on my cheek. I nodded reassuringly.

"It's okay,really" Lapis looked at me like if I had just committed a murder. I tilted my head slightly as she scoffed.

"I can't believe you Saph! You always let that afro-bitch and her squad take advantage of you. I swear,you're too nice sometimes.." I smiled slightly. I put my hands on her shoulders,making her look at me in my eye....well,bangs.

"It's okay,I'm gonna be just fine" She hesitated before crossing her arms and looking away.

"Okay,but if she ever hurts you,I'll have to deal with her, my way." Lapis stated proudly as she punched the air. I sweat dropped,Lapis was a black belt in karate and excelled in kendo,so it was easy to imagine her kicking someone's ass. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and checked the time.

"Aw man,sorry Lapis but I'm gonna have to ditch you,gotta pick of Steven from Greg's right about now." I said, smiling internally at the mention of the little fur ball. Lapis nodded and waved me goodbye. "Tell my beach summer fun buddy I said heyy!" After saying our farewells,I walked down the street till I reached the sign I knew all too well.


Tonight was my night for babysitting Steven and so I had to make it as fun as possible. You see,Steven is like a little brother to me. His mom died when he was born,and his dad is kind of tight on money. His mom,Rose,was like a second mom to me,always caring for me when my mom couldn't, so the best I could do was return the favor,right? I walked up to the little car wash and saw Greg. ...sleeping on a chair? I sighed and began shaking him awake.

"Huh....Oh hello Sapphire! It's three already?" Greg chuckled. I simply nodded. He went inside and brought back a Steven's backpack that was in the odd shape of a hamburger or something like that. He then brought out a sleepy looking Steven.

"*yawn* Hey there..Sapphire" he slurred. I let out a small chuckle at his tired state and held his hand,slinging the backpack over my shoulder. I waved goodbye to Greg and began walking to my quaint little home down the boardwalk. I opened the door and lead Steven into the living room.

"Must be tired,huh?" I asked him. He nodded and gave a yawn at which I chuckled. I brought him to my room and tucked him into the covers, deciding I would sleep on the couch tonight. He fell asleep pretty quickly and I quietly left the room.

"Sleep tight Steven"

My loving Opposite (Rubapphire)Where stories live. Discover now