Tutor? No thank you

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*Sapphire's POV *

"So Saph,you ready for tonight's study session with Pearl?" Lapis asked as she swung her arms to and fro. I nodded and stopped at my locker to get my books.

"What do we have first period?" I asked Lapis. We coincidentally had the same schedule and I forgot mine at home. She dug into her bag,humming the intro to an anime she had began watching.

"Aha!" She stated as she pulled out a slightly crumpled paper from her bag,trying her very best to smoothen it out. She skimmed the page before her eyes landed on the subject.

"Spanish" we groaned in unison. Spanish was one of our most hated subjects,Mrs. Tourmaline was so strict with her annoying Hispanic accent and her lips that clearly were fake, I mean those things were about as big as my dreams. "What are you gonna do about...you know who?" I understood the very person she was talking about. Another reason I hated Spanish was because I had to sit in front of Ruby. Ruby was a short Afro-Cuban girl who had moved from Pennsylvania in our sophomore year. From the beginning she was popular,hanging with the Diamonds,the "queens" of the school,and had some obsession with picking on my friends and I.

"I'll handle it" Lapis nodded.

"Okay" well that's what her mouth said but her eyes said "If she lays a finger on you I'll snap her neck" Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something the bell rang,signaling us to get to class. Lapis grabbed my hand and began running to class which made no sense since I was faster than her. We arrived at the classroom and took our seats,me at the middle and Lapis at the back. Ruby wasn't in her seat yet so I sat down without disturbance. I guess I talked to soon because before I knew it a certain headband-wearing dwarf burst through the door.

"I'm here!" She panted. Mrs. Tourmaline glared at her and rolled her eyes. Ruby took her seat behind me. After the roll was called Mrs. Tourmaline began giving us back our exam papers from the previous week. I looked down at me paper to see and A+. I smirked to myself.

"Awww what!" I turned around to see Ruby glaring at her paper, the letter D at the top.

"Ruby,you need to channel your inner Cuban roots! I must assign you a tutor!"

"What?!?" I snorted at Ruby's reaction but a bit too loudly

"Is there something funny,Senorita Winters?" I shook my head, blushing. Mrs. Tourmaline pursed her mega-lips and snapped her fingers. "Aha! You shall be Ruby's new tutor for one week!"

"What?!?" Ruby and I said in unison before glaring at each other.

"Make that two weeks"


"THREE WEEKS" I gulped,nodding.

"Si,Senora Tourmaline" I sunk into my seat. I looked back to see Lapis glaring daggers at Ruby and the teacher,simultaneously.

This couldn't get any worse.

"You will also be doing it during lunch and at each other's houses after school!" She added.

I slammed my head onto my desk.

It actually got worse.

My loving Opposite (Rubapphire)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt