Alchemy and Sassphire

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*Sapphire's POV *

"I guess we're not going to be having that study session after all guys" I sighed,turning to Lapis and Pearl. Pearl nodded and fiddled with the hem of her shirt while Lapis shook her head furiously.

"Nuh-uh,I'm coming with you!" She exclaimed. I thought about it for a while and nodded.


"But Sapp- wait what?"

"I said okay" Lapis looked away as Pearl tapped away on her phone which magically appeared out of nowhere. Lapis seemed to notice and tried to take a peek.

"Who ya texting P,your boyyyffrrrriend?" Pearl groaned and pulled her phone closer to her so that Lapis couldn't see

"None of your business" I chuckled and shook my head. The last bell of the day rang signaling us to get our asses out of the school. I bid Pearl farewell as I got my backpack and began searching for Ruby,Lapis hot on my trail. I turned the corner to see Ruby and Citrine making out. It was a cringeworthy sight if you ask me. I cleared my throat and they took notice as they parted.

"Oh hello Sapphire,here to tutor my dearest Ruby,are you?" Citrine began. I rolled my eyes and groaned at her pitchy voice,muttering a "dear god". "If you try anything I'll rip your head off" Lapis clenched her fists and was about to do something but I put my arm out,keeping her in place.

"Please,why would I want her? She's the perfect match for a slut like you,so piss of before bae over here" I motioned to Lapis "knocks some sense into you" I replied sassily. I couldn't believe I said that but it felt great,I guess all those late night reality shows came in handy. Citrine shut up and glared at me,kissing Ruby's cheek before strutting down the hall. Ruby was glued to the floor, eyes widened.

"You just gonna stand there?" Lapis piped up from behind me. Ruby snapped out of it and followed Lapis and I outside the school. We had agreed to have it at Ruby's house since mine had to be fumigated and I was staying at Lapis' which was a lie,I just didn't want her in my house. We got into Ruby's car and drove down to her house. Lapis kept talking about the anime she watched,something named "Fullmetal Alchemist".

"And that's basically why when you ask me for something you always have to give me something in return" Lapis explained,I nodded.

"But why though?"

"Alchemy" She shrugged, looking out the window. The rest of the car ride was silent until we pulled up in front of a house in the suburban parts of Beach City (where Connie lives). I stepped out of the car and Ruby locked it. The door was opened and a suprisingly tall woman.

"Buenas Tardes,Rubel!" The woman,who I presumed to be Ruby's mother,greeted. Ruby groaned and walked past her mother. Disappointment washed over her face for a bit before returning to her previous happy side.

"Hello dears,you must be Ruby's tutor..s?" I nodded.

"I am Ruby's tutor,Sapphire. My friend Lapis decided to come with me since I am spending the night at her house,I hope that's okay with you." She nodded before stepping aside to let us in,Lapis greeting her. As I stepped in I was greeted by the sweet aroma of cinnamon in the air.

"Ruby is probably in her room upstairs" She said,pointing up.

"Thank you "

"Oh just call me Amber" I nodded once more before heading up the stairs with Lapis. I opened the first door I saw and was happy to see that it was the correct one. Ruby sat on her bed,listening to music as she stared blankly at the text book in front of her

"I think it's best we begin-"

"If you think this three-week study session makes us friends then you're wrong,I only need you for your brain," Ruby interrupted me. I gritted my teeth but somehow managed to remain calm. "To be honest, you don't have to come all the days,just when I need you,other than that don't talk to me,don't look at me,you're nothing to me,understood?"

I glanced at Lapis who was probably already planning out Ruby's murder. I let out a small 'mhm' before getting my books out of my bag.

"I couldn't agree more".


Hey,so school (unfortunately) has begun again so be expecting some late ass updates! Also I'm having a bit of writer's block so if you could send me ideas I'd love that! You will get credit.

Question: Should I do a Q&A?


*rides away on Ronald's lawn mower*

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