Brace Yourself

365 12 16

*Sapphire's POV *
The tutor session with Ruby was to sum it up,the worst hours of my life. Other than Ruby's mother's delicious cooking and the jokes Lapis would sometimes crack,I could see that Ruby had tried her very best to be the most annoying and stubborn person on the face of the Earth which led to her and Lapis fighting and us leaving earlier than expected. Note to self,don't bring Lapis on anymore sessions.

I turned the corner to my locker to see a note sticking out of it. Being the curious one I am I yanked it out and read it secretly just in case it was personal. It was in my locker anyways,so obviously it was meant for me. I unfolded it to see a note,it was one of those cliché ones with the magazine cutouts that rhymed, but as I read it,I became highly alert of my surroundings.

Cocky mIce,liTte mouse

stay away from the fiRe that goes so hIgh

because if you doN't,

you might just lose your other Eye!

My lips remained is a thin line as I kept rereading it,trying to figure out who could have possibly sent it. The only people who knew about me losing one of my eyes were my two closest friends,Lapis and Pearl,and my parents of course. 'Maybe it was one of Lapis' stupid pranks?' She went with that as she stuffed it into her backpack. This joke was certainly not funny and she would surely confront Lapis about it at lunch.

I turned the corner to see Lapis trying to hold a conversation with Pearl who was still texting the same unknown person she always does.

"C'mon Pearl,just tell me who it is,is it a guy friend? " Lapis nonchalantly stated and held a wide smirk on her lips. I would have laughed if I had not come here with a certain task.

"It's not a guy! It's just my friend, Amethyst." Pearl whisper-yelled as Lapis snorted. I walked up to them and slammed my hands on the table, making Pearl flinch and Lapis raise an eyebrow. My lips formed a straight line as I grunted at the contact of the table with my palms.

"Haha,very funny Lapis" I said sarcastically before sitting down. By now Lapis was confused but she seemed to have caught on to what I was hinting,at least that's what I thought.

"Oh,are you talking about me thinking Pearl has a guy friend? I didn't think you'd be mad at that. It was a harmless joke,right Pearl?" Lapis gestured to the strawberry blonde who nodded. I shook my head,frustrated.

"I'm not talking about what goes on in Pearl's terrible love life!"

"What?!" Pearl intervened.

"I'm talking about that silly note you put in my locker to try to scare me! You know how I feel about my eye! Why would you just joke about it?" Lapis' eyes widened at my statement before calming down once more.

"What note?" She asked,the tone in her voice now low. I scoffed,she's trying to act innocent. I played along and took the note out of my bag,unfolded it and handed it to her. She read the note,and read it over once more before pursing her lips. She brought her eyes up to look at me,her facial expression a mix between a scowl and a glare. "You think I did this?"

"Well you're the only one who likes to pull pranks on me!" I retaliated, now realizing I had made a mistake by thinking it was her.

"I know that but how could you of all people think that I would do such a thing to you! You're my one of best friends and and I would never try to make you feel bad about yourself!" She gritted her teeth as Pearl tried to calm her down.

"Lapis stop shouting,you'll get us all in trouble!" Pearl said as she held Lapis back. Lapis scoffed and shoved her back into her seat before taking her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"I'm out of here." She turned on her heels and began to walk off. She the stopped abruptly and watched me from over her shoulder.

"And Sapph, I think someone's threatening you,brace yourself for something unexpected" And with that,she walked out of my line of sight. Pearl offered an apology on Lapis' behalf before running after her. I sighed.

"She just needs to cool off" I reassured myself

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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