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Arielle's P.O.V.

When Shido and I walked in his home there were three people there and I automatically knew who the two on the couch were. They heard the door closed and turned their heads. "Shido! and you brought Arielle!" said Tohka.

She got up from the comfy looking couch and ran towards me. "Hi! My name's Tohka! It's nice to meet you!" She said and held out her hand. I looked at it for a moment confused and she laughed. "It's a handshake! Put you hand in mine." She said so I did.

When I did she shook it. Ah, its a human's way to greet people. I giggled and then Yoshinon came to me. "U-Um...H-Hi...I-I'm Yoshinon..." she said nervously. "And my name's Yoshino! Nice to meet you!" said the puppet from her hand.

I immediately widened my eyes, never knowing a object like that could talk. "N-Nice to meet you to!" I said and Yoshinon smiled. I looked at the girl watching TV and it seemed like she had a lollipop in her mouth.

She had red eyes and very long, light coral-colored hair that is tied with white ribbons, she wore a white uniform with a black tie, short teal-colored skirt and had long stockings that reach the half of her thigh. Shido leaned in my ear and whispered. "That's my sister, Kotori. She's a spirit too and the commander for saving spirits." he said.

His breath hit my ear making me blush red but I nodded. Luckily he didn't notice. "Kotori..." Shido said with barley any enthusiasm. Kotori turned her head with the lollipop still in her mouth.

"Yes big bro....oh you have a guest!!" Kotori said and jumped off the couch. She giggled and playfully walked towards me. "HI!! I'm Kotori! Though Shido's probably already introduced me to you!" Kotori said.

Her voice was very high-pitched. Was she really a commander? "Are you Shido's girlfriend? Honestly Shido your such a player." Kotori said which made everyone freeze. "Well, she does have a point the-mmphhh!!" said Yoshino as Yoshinon covered his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry..." she whispered and held his mouth tight. "Kotori......" Shido said and glared at her. She smirked and then giggled once more. "H-Hey, Arielle you want to come to the park with us?" Tohka nervously said, trying desperately to change to subject.

"S-Sure.." I said even though I had no clue what that was. "Great..come on Yoshinon and Yoshino!" Tohka said and lead us to the doorway. I turned to Shido and smiled. "Bye Kotori! Bye Shido!" I said and waved at them.

Shido's P.O.V.

I waved bye to Arielle and when they left I turned to Kotori. "I am not a player!" I angrily said to Kotori. Kotori put a puppy dog face on. "I'm sorry big bro...I didn't mean to offend you like that!" She said and pulled out her black ribbons.

She put switched them out with the white ribbons. Kotori then sat on the bar stool and crossed her legs. "Now, lets get down to business shall we?" She said in a mocking tone. Her whole emotions changed.

Just by changing her ribbons her personality can change. "Shido, I have a suggestion on what Arielle is. I mean we all know she's not a regular spirit." Kotori said and bit on here lollipop. Yeah, we knew that much....

Suddenly Reine came in with some tea in a white tea cup for Kotori. She noticed me instantly. "Hi, Shin..." she said emotionless and gave Kotori her tea. "My names Shido...." I mumbled. For some reason that woman could never get my name right.

"Yeah....that's what I said." she said and left. I widened my eyes . But she didn't, oh nevermind. "Anyway, about Arielle have you seen anything different about her from comparing her other spirits." Kotori asked.

"Well, I mean her tears...I didn't notice them until today but they look similar to crystals....if that makes since..." I said trying to think back. "That's strange but leads up to my suggestion.," Kotori said and added some sugar to her tea and took a sip out of it.

Reina then came back in and sat across from me and Kotori. "See, I think she could be a...angel..."Kotori said. My eyes widened. "A-A angel!" I said in complete shock. "Exactly...angel's have this aura that makes you automatically know that their angels..and she has that aura.." Reina said.

"B-But that doesn't make since.." I said and rubbed my head. How is she a angel. " Angel's are the second most closest thing to the Phantom. Which means she's almost as powerful as the first spirit.." Kotori said and darkened a little.

"What!!" I nearly yelled. "I know..." Kotori said. "She has more power then we thought..... she's just not using it..and I'm guessing she doesn't want to. Naturally angels are bad spirits who purposely cause spacequakes, yet she doesn't.." Reina said.

"S-So, she's not a bad person right?" I asked. She didn't act like a bad person unless..its all a act. "No, if she was then right when she set foot here in earth she would be in her inverse form and she's not." Kotori said.

I sighed and relaxed a bit. "So..what does this mean?" I asked. Kotori smirked. "It means that you better be careful..." said Kotori.

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