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Shido's P.O.V.

Arielle, Tohka, and Yoshinon came back and the others left while Arielle stayed with me. Tohka and Yoshinon said their goodbyes and left. Kotori showed Arielle the guest room and we all hit the sack after that.

"Shido.....Shido.........Shido......" I heard a familiar voice say, repeating my name and wearily opening my eyes to come in to contact with two black eyes almost blending in with the darkness overtaking the room.

I then realized it was Arielle. "Shido.." she said wearily and rubbed her arm. I jumped from shockness and backed till my head hit the wall. "W-What are you doing here!" I said as my eyes adjusted to the dark.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you..but I cant.." She yawned. "I-I cant sleep..."She mumbled occasionally allowing her eyes to close for a moment. I deeply sighed.  I guess she could sleep in my bed. I'm not going to treat her like a child and tell her she'll eventually go to sleep.

Arielle yawned and I could tell she was really tired. She must've had a good yet tiring time with Tohka and Yoshinon. I signaled her to come to my bed and she jumped in, not even questioning me at all snuggling into my bed.

I turned my head as she eased In my bed beside me. She smells really good. I blushed at the thought and laid my head on my pillow. "Shi....do..." Arielle said and I looked behind me only to find her asleep.

"Thank...you..."" she mumbled before falling completely under the spell of sleep. I smiled at her cute sleeping face and gently pecked a kiss on her forehead. My face flushed deep beet red and I stuffed my face in my pillow.

Why did I do that?! Why did I do that!? Why did I do that!? I relaxed and sighed. Am I really falling for her? I then fell into a deep sleep of my own.

Arielle's P.O.V./School

"Wow! I've learned so much!!" I said and stuffed a rice ball into my mouth enjoying the nice taste. Tohka and Shido smiled. It was lunch time and my first time here at the school. "I'm glad you like the rice balls I made!" Shido said and ate a rice ball of his own.

"Arielle, can I have a rice ball!!" Tohka squealed and opened her mouth. I giggled and put a rice ball in her mouth and she squealed in pleasure. I giggled in response.

Suddenly a young female with short, silvery-white hair arranged in a bob cut with three hair-clips in the left part of her hair. She had blue eyes and wore the same school uniform as me. I immediately recognized her. As she walked towards us we all got silently, I took a glance at Shido who looked nervous.

She sat with us and blankly stared at me. "What is she doing here...." she said and I rolled my eyes. She didn't even have the nerve to greet Tohka or me. I noticed that she was looking one hundred percent at me. Tohka glared at her.

"I could say the same for you.." I said and gently took a small bite out of my second rice ball earing a glare from her. "L-Lets try and get along." Shido said. Origami softened her eyes and looked at Shido gently.

"Ok...' she said and opened her lunch. She likes Shido. I could tell by the way she looks at him and talks to him. No, she loves him. The same way I love him..............

After School

"So I'll see you guys later!" Tohka said and looked towards her street to go home. "Yeah, see you later Tohka."  me and Shido said as we waved goodbye as she walked down her path. I sighed. "Come on! I'm ready to go!" I said and grabbed Shido's hand.

It was cold yet it still felt good to touch it. Suddenly I felt something hard unlock our once together hands and I looked up and gently bit my lip to keep me from saying something that could cause a fight. "I'm coming to." Origami said and took Shido's hand.

"But Origami, I'm pretty sure you don't live this way.." Shido said and rubbed his hair. "Yes I do..." she said and I could obviously tell she was lying. Isn't it normal to hate someone who tried to kill you? "I'm pretty sure you do-" Shido started and Origami cut him off by dragging down our headed road.

I followed them with my hands folded. I don't think I'll ever like Origami.... I sighed deeply noticing we had been walking for some time. I stopped and looked at the sky. A sunset........ the different colors colliding together colliding with one bright sun creating something beautiful.

It was amazing. "Hey guys, look at the sky. Isn't this sunset beautiful." I said, memorized by the beauty of nature. Shido and Origami looked towards the sky with me. Shido removed his hand from Origami's and smiled.

"Yeah...your right Arielle.." Shido said and smiled at me making me blush. Origami looked at the ground letting the wind flow her hair around her face. "Stop it Shido. Stop helping the spirits..their not good people! Why do you do it!" she yelled.

Shido's smiled turned into a serious expression and looked towards Origami. I darkened my gaze at her and Shido walked towards me and held my hand. I looked at him with concern but his gaze was focused on Origami completely.

"Origami, you know that's not true. Your just hate them because one hurt you in your life. They have no intention of hurting us!" Shido yelled. "I don't care Shido! They killed my parents! and I promised that I would avenge them!!" Origami yelled and grabbed a small remote from her breast pocket.

I looked at it in confusion. Why would she need that. Origami pressed the ref button on the remote and smoke covered the scene. Shido and I coughed and coughed until we couldn't cough anymore. I noticed Shido was still gripping my hand, only holding it tighter.

Shido really is a good person....

When the smoke died down I opened my eyes to see Origami in her AST uniform and wielding her gun. It was the laser gun. Shido let go of my hand and stood in front of me and held his arms out, blocking me. "Origami just listen! It doesn't have to go down this way!" Shido yelled but she ignored him and aimed the gun at me.

"Don't make the same mistake as last time!!!" Shido yelled and Origami widened her eyes and accidently pushed down on the trigger. BAM! She gasped.

I looked at the bullet that was heading towards me and noticed something. The aim was off. Which meant it wouldn't hit me...but...

I tried pushing Shido out the way bit he kept his stand. "Shido move!! Please its going to  hit you!!" I yelled desperately. Shido turned his head towards me and smiled. "Didn't I promise you that I would protect you.." Shido said.

Shido widened his eyes and painfully groaned. I looked at his back in horror as it painted itself with dark red blood. Shido collapsed to the ground laying in his own pool of blood. "S-Shido............" I said and blankly stared at the now lifeless body that use to be my friends.

Origami fell to her knees, her eyes still widened and big from what had just happened. "You know Shido saved me, asked me out on a date, and showed me how wonderful this world was." I said. I slowly looked up at Origami.

"But then I'm always remember that there's people like you who make this world horrible!!" I yelled and raised my hand and closed my eyes. I felt the harsh wind around my skirt and my hair hovering over my shoulders.

When I opened my eyes I was in my astral dress gripping my crossbow. I held it towards Origami. "Origami, how can you call us spirits people who kill peoples loved ones when you just did the same thing.." I said and looked at her scared face.

"N-No..I-I didn't mean too...." she said slowly and I grunted. I saw tears begin to appear in her eyes but I didn't care. "Origami...I'm going to destroy you." I yelled. She looked at me as my heart began to fill with hatred.

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