"I Love You"

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Shido's P.O.V.

Nothing. That's exactly what I felt. Nothing. That feeling didn't feel right.

I opened my eyes after hearing the bang of the bullet going through me, yet I remained unharmed.

I wish, I wish I had never opened my eyes, that cold day.....

 There she was, Arielle standing in front of me, like a shield in the same position I had done when Origami was getting ready to shoot her. Her black hair to her waist, her chocolate skin gleaming in the sunlight that was getting ready to sleep.

But the beautiful yet dangerous color of red stained her chest. "Arielle...." I said and widened my eyes. I was shocked. So very shocked. Arielle let her hands down and collapsed to the ground. "ARIELLE!!!" I yelled loudly but I didn't care.

I grabbed her body, holding her in my arms and cupping her cheeks. "Arielle! Arielle! Arielle! Please wake up!!! Arielle! Arielle!! Arielle!! Arielle......" I clutched her tighter, tears now rolling down my face creating waterfalls.

I didn't dare to wipe them away. No matter how many times I called her name, yelled her name, screamed her name I knew in reality she wasn't coming back. "Arielle...I-I didn't get to tell you I love you!! So you cant die yet!! Arielle!!!" I yelled.

I heard a low cough and felt liquid on my hand. I looked at her and Arielle's eyes were wearily opened and the liquid on my hand was blood she had just coughed out. "Arielle..." I whispered and she forced a smile.

"Stop...crying...Shido..." She said and wiped a tear away but they kept coming back. "Arielle...." I whispered again. "Shido....I...love...you...too..." she said and I felt it. I felt her gentle body go limp. "I love you too, Arielle..." I whispered.

I'll Always Love You.........

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