Leaving 2

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"W-what was mama like?"

Hinata was taken back by the question. Baffled really.
"I've never met her. Once I was looking for Father and I went to his bedroom. He wasn't in there but I saw a picture of a lady. You look exactly like her. So I figured it must have been mama..."
Hinata sighed. She looked at Hanabi's face and saw that she had tears at the brim on her eyes. Hinata reached up to move some hair away from Hanabi's face.
Hinata's mother died when Hinata was really young and still in need of her mother. As far as she remembered
"Okasan was nice...gentle. Her voice was very soothing and she always knew what to say when I was hurt. She was the most beautiful person I have ever seen" Hinata smiled.
"Everytime I picture mama I only see you neechan." Hanabi said. Hanabi was on the brink of tears.
Hinata didn't know what to say or even how to feel. She didn't mean to become the mother image for Hanabi. She could never replace her mother.

"Hanabi it's understandable that you see Hinata as a mother. She was the one who took care of you and she still does. It's only logical that she becomes your mother figure." Neji says from the floor.
"Oh!..Niisan your awake?" Hinata said startled.
"It's hard to sleep with you all talking." Neji rolled over their direction.
"Hanabi it's okay to see Hinata as your mother figure."
"But I...i don't know." Hanabi says.
"How about this when I come back to get you, I show you everything I know about okasan that otousan didn't tell you." Hinata said.
"Really, neechan you would do that?" Hanabi was surprised. Hinata never let anyone not even Neji see anything that belonged to her mother. And people respected her wishes because they saw it as something sacred. Something she held on too when her mother died too young. She had to grow up herself plus a brutal father.
"Now that that's solved can you guys go to sleep." Neji rolled back over on the spare futon.
Hanabi looked at Hinata.

"Arigato Neechan"

Hinata smiled. She laid back down and snuggled with her sister.
"Goodnight Hana."
Hanabi shifted closer putting her head on Hinata's shoulder
"Night Hina"

Hanabi woke up with start. Breathing hard she didn't feel the warmth she felt last night. She realized she was in bed alone. She looked over at the alarm clock on the dresser, it was dawn. She jumped out of bed running out of the room.

"Please tell me they aren't gone yet,"

She practically jumped down the stairs still in her white night gown that reached her above her knees. Then she saw them. They looked to be hugging but it seemed almost too intimate. Hanabi stared at the scene in front of her. She saw her sister's eyes glow a purple hue, looking directly at her.

"Ah!" screamed Hanabi. She turned and ran back upstairs. She knew that her family fed but she had never seen it up close. She was frightened the look in her sister's eyes...It was like she was a different person. She didn't look like the gentle big sister she knew. She began to wonder would she ever be like that. She sat in her room for about 15 minutes. She changed her clothes into a blue tank and a pair of grey sweats, before going back downstairs.

She walked into the kitchen making a beeline for the stool at the island.
"Hey" she heard Neji speak.

"Hi" she responded, looking down playing with her sleeve. "I-"
"Hanabi." said Hinata. 

Hanabi's head snapped up fast.

"Sorry we startled you." said Hinata.

"It's okay I understand...will I be like that?"

"Don't be scared Hanabi-chan. It's the only logical way to insure survival for us. You maybe freaked out now but it will be less weird when you change." said Neji
Hinata pulled out a plate from the cabinet and proceeded to pile it with food for Hanabi. Rolling her eye at Neji's "logical" answer.
"What nii-san is trying to say...you don't need to worry. Okay? Your time will come."
She sat the plate in front of Hanabi. "And when it does we will be right next to you."

"I know nee-chan"

They sat around the table talking about random stories. Occassionally they laughed, well Neji chuckled. Hinata told Hanabi she was being a bit over dramatic. She understood that her sister was very attached to her but, Hanabi's changing should happen on her birthday which is in three weeks.


They three siblings retired to their own rooms. Hinata and Neji went to finish packing. After they were done they brought their stuff downstairs. Neji wanted to leave before Hiashi awoke.

"Ready?" Neji turned to Hinata.

Hinata looked back up the stairs. She took a deep breath. "Let's Go"

As she reached for the door. A force hit her taking the breath out of her lungs. "Hanabi." she wrapped her arms around her baby sister's small frame.

Hanabi spoke frantically,

" I-I-I know you said you would be back to get me in two weeks, but that's a really long time to be alone with papa, eventhough he isn't mean to me. I don't know what will happen when I-"

Hanabi was on her way to a panic attack. Hinata knew that Hanabi cared a great deal for her, but she just now realize how deep it went. Hanabi was dependent on her she knew, but seeing Hanabi now made Hinata want to stay. It made her realize how lost Hanabi was without her. But she couldn't crack. She knew she had to leave.

"Hanabi! Calm down! It's okay you will be fine. I promise I will be back before you turn. I won't allow him to cast you aside, not like he did us."

Hanabi looked up at her big sister. "Y-you promise?"

"We promise." Neji jumped in.
Hinata through the window noticing the sun peaking through the blinds.
"Okay Hanabi we have to g-"
The Hyuuga siblings turn to look at the stairs when they hear footsteps coming.
Hiashi came down the stair dressed in white robes,traditional Hyuuga sleepwear. He looked at his three children. Two of which he was wondering why they were she present. The other as to why she was hugging his eldest "daughter".
" Why are you two still here? Leave. I will not say it again." said Hiashi.

Neji practically growled. " We were just about to leave."
Hanabi looked to her father.
" Papa, I was just saying goodbye."
Hanabi had no idea why but she could always feel a difference in when she talked to her father than when Hinata or Neji talked to him. Hanabi didn't see it then but Hiashi's eyes soften a bit but disappeared but anyone could blink. Hiashi went to the kitchen brushing them off, warning they had better be gone by the time he comes back.
" I will put our bags in the car. " Neji said. Not being one for hugs, he settled on ruffling Hanabi's head. " Hang in their kid." And walked out the door.
One last hug was given. Hinata kissed her baby sister on the forehead and walked towards the door.
" Try not to stress so much Hanabi, you'll get wrinkles." Hinata said.
Hinata gave Hanabi a warm smile and followed Neji out the door, closing it behind her.
Sooooooo....um how are you? Tehee.
Okay I finally finished this. It wasn't that it was hard. I just never had the time. So I think I'm gonna do shorter chapters and more frequent updates. Shorter as in between 700-1k words.
But ummm I hoped you liked it!

~Stay Awesome 💜

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