Now What...

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Also I have developed ideas from other vampire stories I have read. WARNING: There are going to be little NejiHina moment in this fic. I personally don't ship them romantically but, they feed off of each other so the scenes might seem that way.

Last Time...

" I will put our bags in the car. " Neji said. Not being one for hugs, he settled on ruffling Hanabi's head.

" Hang in their kid." And walked out the door.  One last hug was given. Hinata kissed her baby sister on the forehead and walked towards the door.

" Try not to stress so much Hanabi, you'll get wrinkles." Hinata said.
Hinata gave Hanabi a warm smile and followed Neji out the door, closing it behind her.

"Now what..." said Hinata.

The ride was a quiet one. The sun was rising bright. It was about 7 in the morning. They had been on the rode for a while, without have any real plan in mind.

"Where will we go?"

Neji turned his eyes from the rode for a few seconds to look at Hinata.

Neji signed as he looked back at the road. " Well, I was thinking we could go to Konoha. It's a little town across the bridge."

Hinata didn't reply. She turned to the window, watching the trees go pass. They have been driving for about an hour. She already missed Hanabi.

"Is she gonna be alright?"

When they had turned, Hiashi didn't even know at first. He knew when it would happen but he ignored it until the day he was told. He thought Hinata had been "taken care of" by a female maid. Hinata had feared that he would lock Hanabi in a room and let her change on here own. Turning is a painful process even with a companion, so without would be horrible.

"Hey. Calm down you're getting worked up." Neji grabbed her hand from the driver's seat.

Hinata could feel her heart racing. Her breathing started to become rapid. She was hyperventilating.

"What if he locks her up? I'm not there to protect her. What if he treats her like us? W-What if-"

"Hinata stop!"

Hinata looked to Neji, though his eyes were on the road. She looked down at their hands. Since the day she had turned, something about Neji calmed her down. It might have something to do about the fact that he helped her turn. She took her other hand and placed her fingers on his pulse. It was his heartbeat. It was calm.

"Breathe. She is going to be fine." Neji spoke slowly. He intertwined their fingers. "We will go get her before then, he won't have a chance to lock her up."

Neji noticed about a year ago that even though they weren't human anymore Hinata still had her human quirks. They mellowed down a bit but she still had her stutter and she would still get worked up, even end up hyperventilating. Like now, she is worrying her self into a emotional breakdown.

"You hungry yet?"

Hinata wiped her wet eyes as she nodded. Neji proceed to drive until they were off public roads. Neji pulled over from the now deserted road, since it was so early many people weren't out during this time. Not on a Sunday at least.

Neji stopped the car in the woods. The car was surrounded by trees, pretty well hidden. He could here Hinata heartbeat loud in his ears. He could feel his teeth sharpen and his senses heighten. He smelled blood. Hinata's blood.

"She bit her tongue." He took a deep breath. The smell of her blood filled his thoughts. He looked over into her glowing eyes.

"Come here already," Neji said. 

Hinata all but jumped from her seat, climbing into Neji's lap. She grabbed the back of his head, pulling at the hair on the nape of his neck. She leaned in close, slowly brushing her nose up the length of his neck. She could feel his hand tighten on her waist.

She took a deep breath. "You always smell so good." Her tongue found his pulse. She always did this like it was a game to her. He suppose it was her predator instincts kicking in. He didn't how she fed when she wasn't around him.

"Why do you always play with your food Hinata" Neji said playfully rolling his eyes. She giggled but complied and sunk her sharp teeth into his vein. Before she knew it his teeth had sunk into her neck as well. Too engrossed in Neji's blood, she didn't expect that. She added more pressure to her bite, sinking deeper. Resulting in a grunt from Neji. Together they drank from each other while trying to control the amount of endorphins released.

Hinata had her fill first. Pulling from Neji's neck, she proceeded to lick the blood leaking from his punctured skin.

"Stop licking me like a dog." said Neji as he pulled his teeth out of her. Hinata just gigged and watched his wound heal.

Neji rolled his eyes. He noticed how comfortable Hinata was sitting on his lap and feeding from him. When Hinata was 13 she was extremely shy. The first week she turned she almost starved herself because she was so afraid to feed from him. Looking at her now he his glad she had gotten used to him, not that she had much of a choice anyway. He leaned up to lick Hinata's wound clean keeping the blood from dripping on her shirt. 

Hinata returned to her seat.
"So Konoha? What's it like there?" seemingly in a lighter mood since she has been fed.

Neji began on the road again. "I haven't been there myself but I've heard it's not bad. It's small and everyone knows everyone so we have to be cautious when we can't reach each other."

"Hm." replied Hinata. As she looked out the window seeing Neji coming up to the bridge to cross the intersection. She saw a sign lit by the rising sun.

Welcome to Konoha

Um sooooo ya go. Don't really know what to say other than I'm a flop.

~Stay Awesome 💜

After DarkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora