2} First Day

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Ariana Grande>
I was enjoying breakfast with Niall while telling him about what had happened in my life, previously.

"It was so funny, like you should've seen his face!" I laughed, while talking about how I had quit yesterday.

"On the bright side you will be working for a company with more importance, which means you will get payed better." Niall said looking at the bright side.

"Anyways, excited for your first day aren't you?" I asked him, while drinking some of my orange juice.

"Definitely. Mr. Tomlinson seems like a very cool person. I must assume you are excited for today as well." He smiled, looking over at me. I nodded my headed.

"Yes, but these jobs and working in companies makes me used to speaking all formal. I was about to answer that question with 'indeed Niall, work shall be fantastic today, don't you think?' But who am I kidding?" I laughed, with my honest statement. Niall couldn't hold back his laughter.

"I thought that just happened to me." He laughed.

"You should go off to work Ni, I'm leaving already. Have to pick up a vanilla latte for Mr. Payne." I suggested. Grabbing my purse and car keys.

"Same, but Mr. Tomlinson likes his coffee with extra sugar from a specific shop." Niall answered.

"Yikes, well good luck Ni." I said, hugging him goodbye and walking out the door. Off to a small bakery I go.

Once I had arrived to the Payne Enterprise, I had advised the same secretary from yesterday that I start working here today.

"Congrats, I hope you enjoy the job. It's very nice here." She smiled as I walked off into Liam's office.

"Ah, good morning miss Grande!" Mr. Payne greeted while looking for some papers in a very messy 'organized' row of folders in a cabinet located near his office.

"Good morning Mr. Payne, here's your vanilla latte." I smiled placing the warm cup on his desk.

"Thank you miss Grande," he smiled back, although there was some look in his eyes that told me he wasn't okay. He's been like this sense yesterday.

"Would you like some help?" I asked. He nodded.

"Please look for a folder tabbed 'business requirements' while I take this phone call." He asked, and getting up from his desk.

I pulled over a chair from a table near to sit on while looking through the very messy row of folders. These weren't even in alphabetical order anymore. Just a couple folders here and there. 'New contracts' was under the 'H' section. I decided to take all of the folders out and actually place them in alphabetical order. Half way through the 'I' section I found what he was looking for. 'Business requirements'. I left that near his other papers while I finished putting away the other folders. That took at least twenty five to thirty minutes. I put the chair back where it was, Mr. Payne came back looking more stressed.

"I found the folder, and actually organized the folders in alphabetical order," I said, letting him know. Just in case that might've helped relieve some stress, but I don't think so.

"Right. Thank you. Just been so stressed recently I just throw things wherever I can." He said truthfully.

"Bad habit," I murmured.

"Anyways Ariana. There are some things we need to get over." He spoked looking over at me as he took a seat, also signaling me to sit down as well. Which I did.

"I'm all ears, Mr. Payne." I answered, giving him my full attention.

"Thank you miss Grande. Now, I'm not sure how Mr. Styles ran his company, but I am aware that I run my business totally different. You will be getting your own office in a couple days. It will be a couple rooms down from here. I will also be letting you know when you have to work here, or in your office." He stated. My eyes widened.

"Am I in heaven?" I mumbled, earning a chuckle from Mr. Payne.

"I've also seen some of your manuscripts, great work, really.." He complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled. I looked over and he seemed deep in thought.

"Mr. Payne, I don't know you long enough, but I've known people long enough and I can tell something's wrong. What is it?" I asked. He glanced all over the room.

"It's nothing important, trust me you shouldn't be getting into my problems. They'll just stress you out too." He answered, leaning back in his chair.

"Trust me I have time.. But really Mr. Payne, if you change your mind I'll still listen." I said, looking down at some paper work I should start on.

"You won't let this go, will you miss Grande?" He asked, leaning forward this time. Causing me to shrug.

"Life is just so complicated, my own girlfriend left me. At my worst, after everything I've done for her." He started. Looking rather annoyed with having to mention his ex.

"That's rather a stupid thing to do. How do you leave a man at his worst but enjoy his money at his best? No offense, Mr. Payne, but she sounds like a gold digger." I answered honestly.

"I've truly been thinking the same. But then I contradict myself because I've known her sense high school and I don't feel she'd do that." He sighed, opening up. I shrugged.

"I truly wouldn't let it bother you Mr. Payne. Sooner or later she's bound to realize she messed up. She left the best man of her life." I answered, causing him to smile.

"Thank you Ariana,-" he started. The office phone ringing cut him off. "Yes Jane?" He asked. "I'll be right down." He sighed, rubbing his temples and hanging up.

"I have a meeting to go to, take your lunch break if you'd like." He suggested while walking out the door.

There was no doubt in my mind that his ex was LD. Who the fuck would leave Liam Payne?! Not for the money (or at least that not what I'm thinking about) but because he's so hot. Plus he's actually very nice. People make him sound like some sort of villain but he's not, he's only human.

But, Harry hooks up with every worker her hires female except me. Why don't they talk about him and give Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Payne a break.. I think- no I know they deserve a break.

But what are they getting? Nothing. What was I getting? Nothing.

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