11} He's Home

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Ariana Grande>
They killed Jay. It took me a while to process this. Luckily, The Wanted went back to Ireland for some other grievance.
   I was currently on my couch, while Niall is making breakfast. It's his turn to make it.
   When my favorite show went on commercials, there was a knock at the door.
   "I got it Ni!" I said getting up and walking towards the door.
  I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Dad?!" I questioned, shocked.
I waisted no time to hug him tightly. I haven't seen him in forever. I'm not joking.
  "I'm sorry I was pushed away from you because of your mom. But as you may know now, we got a divorce." He said, I shook my head in reply.
   "The reason I couldn't come by any sooner was because my wife was pregnant." He added. I quickly got out of his embrace.
  "What?" I asked, not believing what I had just heard.

  "She's a great person, Ari you'll love her. She has two kids, one is five and the other is seven. Now our newborn." He responded.
   "And not me, I get it. You felt the need to get away from your murder daughter-"
  "No it's not like that, I just felt the need to re build my life-"
"Without me, I get it!" I answered, cutting him off.
"I came back for a reason Ariana, I need you in my life. But I may be just a bit late, sense you already are engaged, no?" He clarified.
"Just shut up dad, I've missed you!" I said, hugging him again.

I pulled him inside to be greeted by Niall, in his boxers. Which was okay, considering it was still early, and I wasn't dressed up either. I was wearing my hot pink pj shorts, matching colored knee high PINK socks, and a black tank top. My hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. This was how I looked every morning, and personally I don't think Liam is ready for that.

Niall, Edward, and I conversed for a while, hitting the main points in our lives these past years.
   "You still haven't talked to me about Liam, or Mr. Payne." My dad said, for some reason he was very interested about it.
   "Well Liam owns the Payne Enterprise, he's very sweet and supportive considering what mom has been doing to me recently." I explained.
    "He's from Wolverhampton, big Batman fan for you dad. He's not as edgy as he seems. Well, when you get along at least." I added. My dad seemed to be taking up all this information like a sponge.

    "I want to meet him." He said simply. If only it were that simple, my dear father. Specially with what had happened the other day.
    "I don't know dad, he is extremely busy now. But I'll try." I answered "no promises either," I added.
    I left my father and Niall eating as I went to open the door, sense there was another knock on the door. After sliding towards the door, yes my socks do that, I opened the door rather stunned at who stood outside.
     "Liam, hey.." I greeted. Sort of awkwardly sense I had mentioned earlier I was not dressed properly.
    "Good morning Ariana," he smiled, looking at me up and down.
Boy if you don't..
"Come in, there's someone I want you to meet actually." I smiled, leading him into the Kitchen.
   "Liam this is my dad, Edward. Dad this is my fiancé Liam," I introduced. They shook hands.
  "That was quick." My dad said, adding to our last conversation of wanting to meet him.
   "Yeah, so I'm hoping to meet your wife just as quick too. I'm going to go change." I rushed, running up the stairs.
       Once I got out of the shower, I dried my hair and changed into a pair of blue high waisted jeans, a black crop top, and a black and white cardigan. For my hair I curled the ends, leaving my hair down.
    For makeup I wore a light amount of foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, blush, and bronzer. With the finishing touches of mascara, eyeliner, nude lipstick, and a clear lip gloss. Finally I look decent. I added a pair of black heeled boots. Once I was satisfied I walked back downstairs to hear Niall, Liam, and my dad talking.
   "I know things have been very rough for her Edward, but I try my best to keep her away from all the drama." I head Liam speak.
Happy llama sad llama mentally disturbed llama, super llama drama llama, big fat mamma llama.
  "What do you think Niall?" My dad asked.
"He's doing good for her, I like them together." He answered.
    "She's very loud and energetic, no?" My dad asked.
Talking shit bitch?
   "Well sometimes I guess, but for the most part she's shy, but outgoing at the same time. It's difficult explaining it." Liam answered.
Okay that's enough of this.

   "Okay, do I look human now?" I asked, like if I heard nothing.
"Yes, much better, slay!" Niall clapped, making me laugh. This is why he's my best friend.
"You do know we heard your heels minutes ago. You heard everything." My dad laughed.
Well shit.
"Dad, I'm buying you a bag of coal for Christmas." I laughed, making him laugh too.
   I finally got payed a few days ago, I'm so glad I choose this career.. Kind of.
"Ready for Christmas shopping?" Liam asked. I shook my head.
     "Lol nope, but let's go anyways!" I cheered. Ayy I got him to laugh.
Once I said goodbye to Niall and my father, Liam and I left.
    "What should I get Ruth, Nicola, and Karen?" I asked out loud. For no apparent reason.
Christmas List;
Ruth; heels, jewelry.
Nicola; boots, clothes.
Karen; hair accessories, jewelry.
Tori; open when letters, candy, teddy bear.
Liam; black Rolex, tie, shoes.
Dad; tie, phone (necessary).
Niall; grey Rolex, shoes.
Myself; shit cause I'll be broke by then.

Once all these things were bought, we decided to start heading home, sense finding all those things was tiring.

December 25th, 11:55PM

"Your insane!" Ruth laughed, while music was playing.

We were currently in Aunt Maria's house to celebrate Christmas.

Everybody was in their own worlds talking, including Niall my dad and I.

Niall has magically found some girl here named Selena Gomez she's really pretty too which I'm very happy for him hopefully this all works out for the first time.

"Guys two minutes till Christmas!" Liam's little cousins shouted. I couldn't help but laugh at their cuteness.

Liam crept up behind me and hugging me from behind placing his hands on my waist.

"Are you excited, love?" Liam asked, smiling.

"Very but I am curious as to who's big teddy bear that is." I laugh. That was a goal.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone shouted.

I thought it was sweet how midnight everybody hugs everybody as a family you know saying Merry Christmas it shows how important they are.

At around 12:30 we began opening presents. I gave out the things I bought and got many things in return.

"So I remember you saying you were curious about the bear well it's yours actually." Liam said bringing me towards it. I laughed hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, babe." I smiled, when he pulled away, I jumped onto the teddy bear.

"It's so fluffy!!" I laughed, cuddling into it, finding a box and a letter on its hand.

I read the letter first.

Dear Ariana,
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Maybe I fell for you too fast, but your breath taking. I love your personality, every day you have proved to me now lucky j am to have you. Therefore, I can sincerely say I love you.
Liam Payne.

This letter made my entire life.
I opened the box to find a golden heart necklace, and a pandora bracelet. I got up again hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so so much!" I said, kissing his cheek.

"You deserved it, baby girl." He answered, his soft lips meeting with mine.

Because Of Him 《Liam Payne| Ariana Grande》Where stories live. Discover now