Chapter 2

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Julie's Pov

As I pull up to the parking lot of La Gose Fitness Center, I get a phone call from my brother.

"Yes Calum?" I say answering the phone.

"Are you here yet?" He asks panting.

"Yes I just parked, I'm about to go inside." I reply getting the water bottles and exiting the car.

"Okay well hurry up Luke and I are really thirsty." He says.

"Okay okay, I'll see you there bye." I hang up and walk into the gym.

As I enter the smell of sweat hits my nose and I cringe.
I walk past a bunch of sweaty people working out.

"Ew why do people even like to work out." I say walking up to Calum.
I hand him the water bottles.

"Because we want to be fit. You should try working out too, you need it." He says tossing a water bottle to Luke who's coming our way.

"No thanks, it's too much work for me." I say.

"Hey Julie." Luke says pulling me
in for a hug.

"Ew, let go Luke you're going to put all your sweat on me plus you smell." I say trying to wiggle out of the hug.

Calum and Luke laugh as he lets go.

"Wow thanks for that nice greeting." Luke says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes, "Can we just go now?" I ask.

"Yeah." Calum says as he grabs his stuff.

The three of us head out the gym and head to the car. "Wait," I say pausing.

"What?" Calum and Luke say in union.

"I might of forgotten the keys inside the gym." I slowly say.

"Seriously?!" Calum yells.

"I'm sorry!" I yell back.

"Let's just go get the keys." Luke says starting to walk towards the gym.

Calum and I follow behind.

"Where'd you leave them?" Luke asks me looking for the keys in the gym.

"I don't know, they just fell out of my pocket." I say worried.

"Julie why do you ruin everything?" Calum asks.

"Shut up Calum." I say.

We  start looking all over the gym for the keys.

A few minutes go by and still nothing.

"We're never going to find them." Calum says pissed off.

I look around to see if maybe someone had them but instead my eyes spot something else.


She was Calums girlfriend back when they were in high school, until we had to leave town because my dad had a business offer in Texas. Calum never got to tell her why we left, and well ever since then he's always talked about her and wondered what she's up to now.

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