But in the end, should we care?

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Smosh was slowly coming to an end anyways. I didn’t want to spend my time thinking about videos to make, our ideas were too stupid and deducted, all our efforts futile. Things weren’t going that good for us: the only thing we could do, wasn’t working anymore. People started to say that we weren’t as we used to be and they were right. It wasn’t us anymore, it was just business. So carrying on with it, was pointless.

I went back to the Smosh house, which became my house since Melanie had to move  for a couple of months to his mother’s in Santa Barbara because she was sick. I didn’t even bother to switch the lights on, I spent so much time in that house that I could tread it blindfolded. I let my fingers slide on the corridor wall and with my eyes closed, I could see all the times me and Anthony played hide and seek, when we were 12-13 years old. I could never find him, and so he would usually come out of where he had hidden because he was tired to wait for me. And in that moment I wondered if he felt tired of waiting for me to find him and if he would have came out of his hideout someday so we could start this game, again, from the beginning, with different rules.

The only thing I wanted to do, was to lay in bed and think of what I got rid of. As my head hit the pillow my brain open the glass prison I used to preserve my memories in. As my mother enrolled me in that new school, I knew I would have ended up alone, that other people would have made fun of me, but I was wrong. A teacher one day forced me to work on a project with this shy kid named Anthony. We felt so awkward because we didn’t know anything about the person we had to work with but eventually we laughed and had a lot of fun together. So that day I realized that people around me wasn’t that bad and that maybe I had found a friend. I couldn’t call him “best friend” yet though , but as he bought a car and offered me a ride home, we started to spend more time together playing Halo and eating an enormous amount of junk food. I was so glad he was the only one around to give me a ride home because it was in that way, that we became best friends. We found each other in the right moment, when we needed.  We would sit in the desk in the back of the class and just be ourselves together. I remember making fun of Anthony’s drawings, making fun of everyone we hated. Besides each other, we had no one we could talk to.  Anthony was the only kid I could stay up all night and watch Lost with, he was the only one who laughed at my jokes, the only one I could trust. We were so surprise and happy when we saw how many views the first video we uploaded on YouTube had. We weren’t used to people paying attention to us. Our families were always too busy , people at school ignored us because we were “weird”.

Years passed. We grew up. We found new friends. We got girlfriends. Our channel kept counting more subscribers. We bought the Smosh House. We took part of the “YouTube family”. Smosh videos became popular, WE became popular. We bought different houses with our new families. We enlarged our crew, adding David, Matt, Joshua and Mari. We took different ways. Anthony has now a new channel with Kristin. I no longer have what I used to have. 

Sorry if this is a short chapter, the next one will be longer i promise. Anyway David, Matt and  Joshua are Lasercorn Sohinki and Joven if you didn't know their real names and Kristin is Kalel. I like to use their real names, it makes it more idk intimate. Comments and Votes are always welcome. Thanks for reading

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