May 23rd

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May 23rd

How do I start? Am I supposed to name you? I guess I could call you something. . . . .how about Ella? I like the sound of that. Ella. Today was nothing special. My thoughts are towards the reaping. This is my first year. Katniss wouldn't let me take any tessarae, so she took it all. I only have one slip with my name on it, she has twenty. What would happen to me if she was reaped? My mother has never been herself since the day my father died, never really all there. She has gotten much better lately, but Katniss is the one who keeps the family going. She hunts in the woods and gathers with her best friend Gale Hawthorne. He has a little brother Rory who's in my class in school. We talk often.

I guess you probably want to know who I am? I'm Primrose Everdeen, I'm twelve years old and live in Panem, District 12. I have blond hair and blue eyes. Odd for a person who lives in the seam. The seam is where I live in District 12. My mother came from a richer part of District 12 where people have money. She moved to the Seam when she married my father, becuase he was from the Seam. Katniss has brown hair and olive skin, where my skin is pale.

Though we don't look much alike, I love her with all my heart. She's always there for me. No matter what.

I must get going, Katniss will be coming upstairs soon to make sure I blew out the lamp.

♡ Prim

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