May 24th

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May 24th

Dear Ella,

The reaping draws nearer, now just two days away. Katniss is determined to make sure I don't get reaped, you can tell by the way she talks about it.  I'm more concerned about her though.

I never told you about my goat Lady. Katniss brought her home for me on my tenth birthday. She supplies my family with milk and cheese, all year round. I also have a cat Buttercup. He has the most beautiful yellow coat, that's where his name Buttercup came from, the flower. Katniss tried to drown him in a bucket the day I brought him home, but I got there just in time. He's a born mouser, sometimes he even gets a rat!

Today Katniss came home with four squirrels, a good catch for the day. I'm terrified of the woods. Its pretty there, but with all the carnivorous animals, one can't help but feel nervous. Katniss tried to take me hunting once. She shot a squirrel and I cried, I still think I could've saved it if she would've just gotten me home in time. But the poor thing died and ended up my dinner. Ever since then I can't stand the woods. I'll go to the meadow by the fence to collect greens and such, but not into the woods.

Mother showed me the reaping outfit that she wants me to wear. Its a pretty ruffled white shirt with a brown skirt. Though I loved the outfit, the thought of the reaping terrifies me. I ended up shaking while in tears. 

Dinner was quiet and no one spoke. We all just sat there. The days of freedom we have left are slowly ticking away. My throat tightens and the thought of me or Katniss being reaped. How long would I be able to last? With absolutely no training what so ever and my small size I would never make it. Katniss could win, I really believe she could. With her skills in archery and the woods, she would make it all the way. For me it would be a different story. I'd probably be what they call a bloodbath tribute, someone who dies the very first day; just minutes after the gong sounds. And if I did make it out of the bloodbath alive, I'd surely starve to death within days.

The thought of being all alone, hunted, and left for dead, just for someone else's entertainment makes me sick to the stomach. How can the Capitol be so cruel? Sending innocent teenagers into an arena to die. The worst part is they make us act like its a holiday, something we enjoy. How I wish I could be president for a day and ban another Hunger Games from ever happening again!

♡ Prim

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