May 27th

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May 27th

Dear Ella,

So Girl on Fire, that is my sister. Its the only thing people talk about anymore. I keep having people come up to me saying "We're so sorry for you Prim." "She was a good person." "Here take this, it might help." the worst is "There's always the girls home."

Everyone knows that when you go to the girls home, you don't ever come out. I've seen the girls faces that live there, the grim smiles and tiny bodies. Its like prison for your soul, with no way to get escape. I know their right though, if my mother doesn't take care of me, the peacekeepers will come for me and take me there.

I guess you want to know what happened in the reaping right?

It started out the same as any other, but for me, it would turn out to be the worst one. Not only was it my first one, but I had no clue what was going to happen to me. First you have to register. They prick your finger with some mechanical contraption and your DNA tells them who you are. I am embarrassed to say so, but I freaked out when I saw what they do to you. But I was so scared, the pain was barely noticeable.

I was walked to the back of the roped area by Katniss, who assured me I would be fine. I gave her a hug and watched her walk away. I found a spot to stand and waited, no one really talked to anyone. The tension was high and I don't think I would've been able to talk even if I tried to. My friend Ceri came over and stood by me. I tried to comfort her with words, but they were caught in my throat. We just stood there holding hands.

The mayor gave his speech and introduced the escort. Effie Trinket is her name. She is the person I blame for what happened, she chose me. I can still hear her words "Primrose Everdeen." She said them loud and clear. She first looked in the eighteen section, probably wanting a good Tribute for once, but she got me. Her face looked annoyed.

My heart was beating so hard at that point that I could hardly breath. I was focusing all my being into not crying. I didn't even think for a moment that it could've been me, one slip out of thousands, one! I was just about to the stage when Katniss ran forward and shoved me behind her. She volunteered for me. Gale had to come and take me to my mother because I was crying so hard. I didn't want Katniss to die for me, but I didn't want to die either.

I wish someone else could be cursed with being a Tribute, but not my sister. I hate the Capitol even more now, I will find a way to help Katniss, I won't let her die for me, I will be strong, for her.

♡ Prim

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