If I Could Fly: Liam

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Tours over...and he's on the next flight home to you!

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you

I think I might give up everything, just ask me to...


Worry washes over me as it's been hours since Liam said his plane landed. He called me hours ago telling me once he got his luggage he'd come over to my apartment to spend the night.

I've missed having him next to me at night. The past few months have been nothing but a cold bed along with restless sleep. There'd only been a few select nights where I'd sleep well because I'd go and watch some of Liams' shows--but because of UNI and work, it was hard to be with him all the time. Lucky for me, though, the internet was a trusty ally. Video chat and texting were the best things we had to survive months away from each other. Although I missed Liam tremendously, I was happy he was doing what he loved. Anything that kept him happy kept me happy.

But where the hell was he...?

Is he stuck at the airport waiting for his driver to come get him? Did he get into an accident? Surely, he would call if that were to happen.

I know he said he'd be over soon, but I can't ignore the urge I have to call him and ask where he is and ask if he's okay. I'd do anything just to hear his voice at this point. I dial his number, but it goes straight to voice mail.

His phone's dead...great.

Without a moments thought, I jump out of bed barely allowing myself to grab my sweater, shoes, and keys.

I'll go and see if he's at his house. Maybe he just had to stop there before coming over.

The drive wasn't too long given we lived in the same small town. I park across the street and make my way to the walkway up to his house. Scarcely placed lampposts along the sidewalk aid my travels to his door. I knock a few times and wait, but nothing is heard. Not a voice nor footsteps. I knock again a bit louder and wait a few seconds.

Still nothing.

Anxious and cold from the late night, I lean down and reach under the door matt for the key he leaves for me when he isn't home. I unlock the door with ease and step into the warm house quietly.

As I make my way to the living room, no one is to be seen. I peer across into the kitchen to still find nothing. As I peer down the hall, I find that his bedroom light is on.

"Liam?" I call out in hopes he would reply.

However, I'm met with nothing but silence. I pick up my walk as I quietly near Liam's door. It's cracked open allowing light from his room to escape.

I knock softly as I open the door.

As soon as I walk in my eyes catch a figure on the bed. Liam is lying on his stomach with his feet dangling off of the bed, shoes still in tact.

My thoughts come to the conclusion that he was so tired, he didn't even have time to change let alone crawl into bed. I chuckle a bit as I am the least bit surprised. It's been a long day for him from the long flight. I make my way quietly over to the sleeping boy and softly remove his shoes and socks for him. He doesn't budge as soft snores leave his lips.

I don't want to wake him up, but if he sleeps like this for the rest of the night, he's bound to wake with a sore neck and back. I crawl onto the bed next to him and lay with my head resting on my elbow as I silently watch him sleep. I don't know what I've done to get to this point, but I feel like the luckiest girl in the world being here in this room in front of the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.

His long eyelashes brush against his cheeks and his lips separate as he breathes in and out. I can't help myself as I lean forward to kiss his cheek softly. His breathing hitches a bit as his eyes softly flutter open, awaking from his peaceful slumber. He runs his fingers over his eyes as he tries to adjust to the light in the room. When he's awake enough, his eyes shoot open in surprise and he's sits up straight on the bed. I follow suit by standing in front of him.

"Babe?" his voice is thick with sleep and excitement all at the same time.

"Liam, I missed you." I'm met with open arms as I leap forward to hug him.

"I missed you so much more, Y/N, you have no idea." He parts from the hug to crash his lips into mine. The kiss is slow but passionate as we both put all of the time we've been apart into the kiss.

As we part, Liam's eyes are still heavy of sleep. "Liam you need to get some sleep. I'm so sorry I woke you, I was just so worried where you were."

"Babe, don't worry about me. Sleep can screw itself, I just want to be with you right now." He pulls me closer so our lips touch again.

Still feeling guilty, I pull back a bit with an idea on mind. "How about we make a compromise." I play with his bed head a bit. He hums for me to continue. "I'll stay with you if you go to sleep."

He quirks his head to the side in confusion. "Wasn't that the plan anyways?" He chuckles a bit.

I can't help but giggle realizing the irony. "Right, but I want you to sleep. Please just go back to bed. We'll catch up more in the morning."

He yawns as he nods, "Deal. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come over so we could have a late dinner or something."

"Don't worry," I assure him, "just get some sleep." I softly peck his lips after he's tucked in bed the right way. As I turn off the light beside me, I catch a glimpse of the time in the clock: 1:52AM. Sleep is well needed right now.

Liam pulls my body to him so my back is gently resting against his chest and his arms are snakes over my waist. I've missed this feeling and I can tell Liam has too just by the grasp he has on me against his body. It almost feels like he never wants me to leave his site ever again. I wouldn't argue with that either. He whispers into my neck, "I missed this so much."

"I missed you too, Liam. Sleep well." I snuggle myself against him more.

"Now that you're here, I'll be getting the best sleep of my life." We giggle as he kisses my neck softly and snuggles himself into my neck.


He's finally home.


That's the first imagine done for the "If I Could Fly" series!
PLEASE comment reactions or love and VOTE! Please and thank you! The more comments I find really push me to write more :)
I hope you enjoy my work as much as I love writing!
PS. I know the boys are on break now, but this is assuming they've JUST finished tour and are (in fact) HEADED HOME....TO YOU!! ;)
More to come!
Love you all, S xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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