School Boy: Louis

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Who knew the boy who sits next to you in class could be more than just a class mate...? 


As I headed to the locker rooms, I slowed my pace to a stroll taking in the weather we had today. It wasn't the normal weather that we usually have for fall because it was actually quite sunny. I inhale a quick breath and take in the warm heat that added to the small breeze of many falling leaves around me. I actually really liked today's weather. If it could stay like this forever, maybe I'd be a bit more excited to be going to gym class. 

Even though I wasn't the most coordinated with all kinds of sports, I still would rather be stuck taking a test in any other class rather than gym. It was just a bit useless because I already played soccer as a sport here at school.

Actually, let me second my thought about taking a test rather than going to gym class; I would rather be out playing soccer in this fabulous weather than going to gym! 

Stepping in the cold locker room, I make my way to my locker and proceed to get my gym clothes on. Whilst putting on my running shoes, our teachers voice booms through the large room. 

"Class-were starting a new unit today. Soccer! Be out on the field in five ladies!" After she finished she makes her way out to the field herself.

Smirking to myself, I pull my hair into a ponytail and grab my soccer cleats. Maybe gym isn't going to be too bad after all. This nice weather and soccer are just what I was hoping for!

Jogging my way onto the field, I'm met by a tall shadow I seem to notice running behind me. As the figure approaches, a voice speaks up to join it as he taps my shoulder. 

Louis Tomlinson.

Ok, act normal. He's only the most popular, soccer player at this school.

Before my mind and mouth can catch up and say anything he speaks up first, "Well looks like I'm not the only one serious about this soccer unit. Nice cleats babe." He pats my shoulder and jog's over to his friends who've already started stretching.

I stretch on my own until out teacher calls us to line up. "Tomlinson, Horan, you two are team captains."

As the names go through and everyone is chosen, I stand quietly near both team captains, able to hear every word. 

"I want Y/N on my team, Niall" Louis whispers sharply. 

Niall crinkles his nose, "Dude, if you like her, get her on my team so you can bet something or some crazy thing the Tommo does to get a girl." He winks at Louis while Louis mutters a 'good point'.

"Plus with her, we'll kick your little Doncaster arse!" Before Louis can argue, Niall chuckles and speaks up, "Ok, I'll take Y/N."

As I walk up I can feel Louis eyeing me. Did he actually say he liked me? He couldn't have. I was far out of his league.

Shrugging off the thought, I set myself up in midfield as the game starts. Holding possession, I make my way in and out of people.

Ha! Amateurs. I guess I really was good at soccer. 

Within the first 5 minutes, I've already scored 2 goals on Louis who's the goal keeper. 

Their team calls a time out which leads Louis to come over to me individually. His tall, framed shadow towers over me. Light orbs peer into mine. "Alright babe, let's make this more interesting because I was only going easy on you."

I can't help but stifle a laugh at how he tries to cover up his humiliation. "Ok , go on."

"Next person who gets scored on has to kiss the other person." He smirks. 

I can't help but blush deeply at his comment. No words really register for a moment until I'm able to  squeak out what actually turns into a pure whisper making him have to learn in to listen. "Wh-what'd you say?"

"You heard me." His arms cross his chest as his smirk deepens.

This isn't a bad idea at all, trust me on this one. It's just really surprising. Now that I think about it, I don't even hesitate. "Ok, deal." We shake on it. 

Returning to my midfield, Louis holds a position at goal. Niall corner kicks the ball to me. Only about 10 feet from goal I fake kick, then kick the ball making Louis stumble to the ground in the other direction.

"Ha! I win!" 

"Cheater!" His face falls into a slight pout. Damn that's cute.

"Whatever.." Laughing, I turn my back to walk away but big hands grabs hold of my shoulder and spin me around. Louis makes eye contact with me sliding his hand to the small of my back pulling me in closer. He leans in slowly and attaches his lips to mine. His lips are so soft as they mold to mine.

Wow, can we stay like this forever?

What seemed like forever actually turns into half a minute of us getting into a brief make out session . Niall runs over hollering at us. "Get a room you two!"

We both laugh as our lips detach. For a brief second I'm a bit upset at how fast it ended, even though it felt so good.

I could get used to this...

As we head towards the locker room, Louis' hand doesn't leave my waist the whole time.

"I'll see you around babe." He pecks my cheek and smiles before leaving. 


(A/N): Thank you to whoever has read, commented, and/or voted on all these imagines so far! Hope you like this one!

ps. thank you to @urcute for helping me with the idea a bit! Hope it turned out ok!

To all readers: As per usual, please comment/vote/fan! :)

Lots of love, S xx

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