School boy: Niall

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Who knew the boy who sits next to you in class could be more than just a class mate...?


You sat by yourself at your desk, your face stuffed in a book you had recently purchased. Your teacher continued to go on a tirade about something you had no interest in what so ever.

You sat completely confused and frozen as everyone in the room emerged from their seats and began moving around quickly.

"Hurry up and choose a partner!" Your teacher called out.

You rolled your eyes and sat where you were, hoping no one would notice the girl sitting alone and pick her as their partner.

Seconds after everyone had settled, someone pulled out the chair beside you. As you look over, your eyes flew to the blue ones that were centered on yours.

The blonde haired boy sat next to you, giving you a small smile before opening the book he held in his hands.

"Hi." You spoke in a low tone, everyone around you laughing and talking loudly with one another.

"Hi." He returned, trying to copy your low voice, but failing as the corners of his lips perk up a bit. Obvioiusly not taking his own joke seriously.

"What's your name?" You asked, you hadn't seen him before.

"Niall." He smirked.

You looked up at the ceiling above you, wondering when he was going to ask you for your name. He obviously didn't want to be bothered and you were more than happy to accept that, thus turning your attention back to your book.

He seemed kind of cocky in a way, so you were better off just ignoring him.

"(Y/n)?" He asked in a louder voice than you did. You turned to him in shock that he knew your name.

His eyes traveled to your book. "That's a boring one."

"The book?" You happened to be enjoying this one for once.

"Yeah, the book. I've read it before." He said matter-of-factly. You weren't really liking this partner and you made a mental note to approach your teacher after class and have him switched.

"If you want, I can tell you the ending," he offers.

"I already know the ending." You sighed, still reading the book. You had read the book twice before but you found it captivating each time. "But thanks," you added.

The teacher was still talking but you felt his eyes on you. "Can you stop staring at me?"

"Sorry." He apologized in a soft tone.

He sounded almost hurt before the sound of your teacher yelling made it to your ears. "Horan, are you done talking?! Can I continue?"

"Yes ma'am," he nodded gently, telling her to continue with her speach.

She continued talking to the class. In the corner of your eye you spotted Niall writing something down on a blank piece of paper before sliding it over to where you were.

You looked down at the paper and read it silently.

"That book must be pretty intriguing if you're reading it during class."

You picked up your pen and wrote back:

"If this is your way of starting conversation? You should try again."

Once written, you rose your hand and waited to get your teacher's attention. Finally noticing you, she asked what you wanted.

"Can I use the restroom, please?"

She nodded. "Bring your bags with you since class will be over in a few minutes. But don't forget to ask someone for tonight's homework."

You got to your feet and held your books along with your bag, walking towards the door before turning around for a quick second.

Niall kept his head down ignoring eye contact as he fiddled with his fingers. It seemed like he was trying to find something to say.

You shrugged and made your way out and into the hallway. You didn't necessarily have to use the bathroom, but you didn't want to stay in that classroom any longer.

As you walked down the hall, you heard someone yell from behind you.


You turned on your heels and looked at Niall as he walked closer to you. You looked at him in complete confusion.

As he neared you, he began to speak, "I'm getting the vibe that you don't really like me."

"You might not be wrong." You said in a low voice as you both stood inches away from each other.

His face fell. "Why don't you like me? Is it because of the whole book thing because I swear-"

"I know you're one of those guys who just do shit to do it. You see something you like and you take it. And I'm just not a girl who's up for that."

He smiled and you were growing even more confused than before.

"What?" You asked, growing annoyed.

"You said that if I see something I like, then I get it. I find that funny," he said, "because throughout the whole year, I've spotted you and yet, I still don't have you."

"We just met today." You correct him.

"No, not really. I've known you since the beginning of the year." He stated.

You give him a look of confusion.

"I'm not a stalker or anything, I've just seen you around." He defended. "And I know that doesn't mean anything, but I'm really not that bad."

"I didn't say you were." Suddenly the ground has become more interesting to look at then the boy in front of you.

"Give me a chance?" He asked, nudging your chin sligtly with his hand so he could look at you. "Just one chance. We can go to an ice cream parlor and mix flavors." He smiled widely, lowering his hands, as his eyes have caught your attention.

"That's your idea of a perfect date?" You question, becoming curious. 

"Why? Is that a bad date? Should we just go to the theater? Or do you want to-"

"No, no. I just didn't think you were an ice cream kind of guy." A smile perked from the corners of your mouth seeing he's not all you thought he was.

"I'm not what you think I am." He smirked.

The sound of a loud bell interrupted your conversation as you witnessed numerous doors swinging open, following with students flooding out of each classroom.

"I should head home now." You told him. "Before the stampede runs me over."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He smiled.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." You smiled back.

You both nod silent goodbyes before turning and heading in opposite directions towards home.



(A/N): These are THEMED imagines for each boy! Each "theme" will have 5 chapters for each boy! Please comment and vote it motivates me to write more! 

If you want, follow me on twitter it's @heyharrybaby!

Lots of love, S xx

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