School Boy: Liam

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Who knew the boy who sits next to you in class could be more than just a class mate...? 


You sat at your desk in the empty classroom, staring straight ahead of you at nothing but the whiteboard. Your head was racing with questions, causing more pain to your heart.

You told yourself you wouldn't cry, this isn't the place. Not the time nor place, you scolded yourself mentally. 

Hoping to alleviate the swelling in your eyes, your head falls into your hands resting there for a few moments keeping your breathing steady. Before you wanted to accept the fact you couldn't keep your tears in, a light knock was heard on the door. Your head shoots to the window on the door looking through to see who you had hoped. Maybe he came back. That he made a mistake, but it wasn't him. 

Another boy was standing just outside the window looking in carrying a confused look on his face. All you can do is stare at him hoping he won't come in, but to your luck, he opens to the door, remaining just aside it. A set of light brown eyes meet yours.

"You okay?" He asked clearing his throat as he silently shut the door. 

You quickly wipe any tears that are threatening to escape as he walks up. You look down at your hands, "I'm fine, thank you."

His eyebrows furrow together. "You can say you're fine, but you surely don't look of it. You're always happy and smiling."

"I'm Liam, by the way." He adds.

"I'm (Y/N)--"

"(Y/N), I know." He interrupts you with the information he seems to already know, which surprises you slightly because you've never talked to him before. 

You send him a weak smile and a nod acknowledging his greeting, but it only makes him frown deeper, causing him to run his hands in his hair worriedly. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" You try to act like nothing has happened even though you're dying to just let it all out.

You catch his eyes as he looks to say something, slightly patting his hair into place after he ran his hands through them. His brown hair is short, but peaked up and combed to perfection. One strand is out of place making you want to get up just to push it back up. 

Building the nerve you reveal your trouble. He has to take a couple steps closer in order to hear what you have to say, as it comes out nearly in a croaked whisper. "My boyfriend broke up with me."

"Seriously? Why? There's gotta be something wrong with that fool if he wanted to break up with you. You stay quiet, unsure what to say. He seems to sense the subject is already fresh and still hurting he tries to lighten up to subject. "What are you doing in here alone anyways?" He closes the long distance as he walks up to you, which makes sense, because right now you can't even really find your voice. 

"I always come to class early. It's just my thing." You look up at him, taking in all his features you hadn't seen from across the room. He has a slight stubble running below his cheeks down to his jawline. It suits him, as for most guys your age should probably shave a lot more often than they already do. As his eye still show a sign or worry, they are brown, deep, and seem trusting. His lips are pink and slightly open as he speaks. 

"I don't want to upset you anymore than you already, but you look like you're on the verge of tears." His voice is soft.

You begin to realize although you enjoy Liam's nice company, you wish you were just alone. Being alone would mean you could cry without anyone around avoiding any kind of sympathy. 

"Do you need a hug?" You brought your moist eyes to his. They read yours more as he gains contact. His face expression reads a mix of embarrassment and sadness. Your sadness begins to ease as you notice his awkward stance in front of you, making your mood lighten a bit. "I'm sorry. That was stupid, I shouldn't have brought that up." His eyes roll as bit as he subconsciously smacks himself.

You silently stand from your chair, the only noise echoing the room being the light squeak of the chair against the tile. He removes his hand from the back of his neck as he holds them out a bit for you to walk into. You bury your head into his chest slightly as you take in the scent of his cologne fluttering your eyes closed. "Thank you," you breathe out.

He rubs his hands on your back softly as he rests his head on yours. He doesn't say anything as he continues to rub your backs in comfort. "I'm sorry," he speaks with a soft tone.

You pull back slightly, still holding on because his arms feel so comforting. "For what?" You ask.

"I'm just so sorry you have to go through this kind of mess. No girl like you deserves to feel like this." He said. 

Pulling away slightly from his grip, you appear confused. He continues, "From the first time I saw you in this class, I've always seen you nothing but happy. But now, its just odd to see you like this and it worries me. You must have really liked him?" His question comes out more of a statement.

Your eyes roll a bit as you play over his reasoning's in your head when he spoke to you earlier. "He told me he liked another girl more. I guess I just wasn't enough." You trail off towards the end, but Liam hears because he replies almost instantly.

"You're wrong because you're everything for him and anybody. Anyone would be happy to have a girl like him. It's his loss." He states. "I don't want to seem like a creeper but everyone knows how nice you are and how happy you always are." He adds.

"Thanks Liam, that's so sweet of you." You smile widely.

"There it is! That smile!" He's now smiles along.

The door to the classroom swings open as the teacher and students begin to pile in as the bell rings. "Ok class, please take your seats!" The teacher announces above the chattering voices. 

"I'll talk to you after class?" Liam questions.

"Of course." You smile.

"Maybe we can hang out? I'm here for you if you need me." He offers.

"That sounds great, thank you so much, Liam."

"Its no problem." With a brief hug and smile, Liam makes his way to his seat a couple of rows behind you. 

His whipserdly sing-songs from behind you, "Remember to smile!"

This makes you not only smile wide, but giggle a bit too.


(A/N) I worked really hard on this imagine so I hope you all liked it! I definitely enjoyed writing it :) Please please please comment and vote it only takes a second!!

Lots of love, S xx

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