Chapter 3

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Percy sat at the Poseidon table with an untouched plate of blue pancakes in front of him. He glanced over to the Athena table and made eye-contact with Annabeth. She smiled at him, and he looked back down at his pancakes. He could feel the other campers sneaking concerned looks at him. They thought they were being sneaky, but they weren't even close. He could hear them whispering, "...screaming all night..." "...hasn't been the same since the war..." "...not sure he's safe to be around..." Percy stood up abruptly and a hush fell over the tables. He kept his eyes down as he made his way to the Big House. Chiron was on the front porch playing chess with a tree nymph. When he saw Percy, he turned to the tree nymph and said, "I'm sorry Jasmine, we'll have to resume our game later. I'm afraid this is a very pressing matter." Jasmine nodded and disappeared. Chiron turned back to Percy, "Let's go inside." Chiron led Percy to the back of the house into a large office. It had a tall mahogany desk along the back wall, A bookshelf on the left side, and a dark purple couch along the right wall. Chiron trotted behind the desk. "Please make yourself comfortable," he said, nodding towards the couch. Percy sat down and fiddled with his thumbs. "Percy," Chiron started, "I would like to know why you were screaming last night, so I can help you." Percy sighed. "I had a nightmare," was all he said. "Well clearly," Chiron replied, "but I'm going to need a little more information." Chiron added softly, "I'm sorry Percy. I understand it's hard." Percy sighed once more. "It's Tartarus. All the monsters. The constant fear. It's everything!" He started to shout. "I see Bob and Damasen holding off monsters as we ride up! I abandon them every night! I torture Akhlys over and over again! I see the fear in Annabeth's eyes! Fear of me! I watch Annabeth die every night! Each time a different way, but each time I could've saved her! Do you know what that does to a person?! I..." He fell back into the couch. He didn't realize he had been standing. "I never escaped Tartarus," he said weakly. Chiron trotted over and placed a hand on Percy's shoulder. "I'm sorry my boy. I want you to go to the Hypnos cabin. See Clovis. See if he can help." Percy nodded. "And bring Annabeth," Chiron added. Percy nodded again and stood up. "Thanks Chiron." Chiron shook his head, "Don't thank me yet. Good luck my boy." Percy walked out to the front porch. He looked out over the camp. He saw the strawberry fields, abundant with red. The different courts, all filled. People rushing from cabin to cabin. Laughter filled the air. A summer breeze swept through bringing the scent of salt. Invigorated, Percy headed over to the Athena cabin. He knocked on the door. A few seconds later Malcolm opened the door. "Hey Percy!Annabeth is in here come on in," he said whilst opening the door wider. "Thanks Malcolm," Percy replied. Percy appreciated how casual Malcolm was acting. Not a lot of people were doing that today. Percy found Annabeth sitting on her bed, typing furiously on a computer. Percy walked up to her, but she didn't notice. Percy knew the look on her face all too well, she was in concentration mode; therefore, completely oblivious to everything and everyone. He walked next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. She startled, then quickly realized who it was. She hastily closed her computer. "Whatcha working on Wise Girl?" He asked. "Nothing interesting," she replied vaguely, "How did your talk with Chiron go?" Percy glanced around the cabin, at the other Athena children. All were busy working, but he didn't want to take a chance. "Let's go for a walk," he suggested. "Alright," Annabeth said as she stood up. She grabbed her sandals and they walked down the path to the beach. Once they were in the sandy shore, with the waves lapping their feet, Percy felt calmed enough to describe the meeting. He told Annabeth Chiron's suggestion and he agreed that it was a good idea. "Let's go now!" She said standing up. Percy stayed on the ground, "Why are you so eager 'Beth?" She looked down at him, "Because I want this to work for you." "It's not that big of a deal," he mumbled. Annabeth eased herself back onto the sand next to him. "It is a big deal. You deserve happiness. More than anyone else, you deserve a happy ending." Percy sighed,"Leo deserved one too." Annabeth's eyes darkened, "I know, but we can't do anything about that now. But we can do something about you." She stood up and pulled Percy to his feet. Together they walked to the Hypnos cabin.

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