Chapter 6

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Percy took Gladiolus's advice and went over the hill to the stream. He took a drink and splashed the water on his face, the water healing the scratches from running through the woods. Then he heard the water nymphs whispering. "Gray Eyes weep for you, Son of Poseidon." Percy looked at the shimmering faces fading in and out of view, "Tell her I will come home, just not today. Please." The faces shimmered out of view and he heard his message whispered down the stream. Suddenly Percy started hyperventilating, his palms became clammy, and his vision went black. "SON OF POSEIDON, Polybotes screamed, "YOU CANNOT OUTRUN ME. I WILL BE YOUR DOOM." Percy looked over at Annabeth sleeping beside him. Polybotes was getting too close for comfort, but Percy couldn't bring himself to wake her. In this place, the only sanctuary was in sleep or death. Percy rose and gently picked Annabeth up. He carried her bridal style so her head was resting against his chest, and he walked. He walked for what felt like days. He prayed to every god imaginable that no monster attacked him while he held Annabeth. "Ha, as if gods could help me now," he thought. He walked slowly, never being able to get far enough away from Polybotes. Percy wondered briefly if he could manage to hide Annabeth away and confront the giants to give her more time, but he quickly dismissed the thought. He couldn't put her through the grief, and surviving in Tartarus alone is nearly impossible. He couldn't abandon her like that, still, he wished there was something else he could do. Percy's exhaustion was starting to sink into his bones. His arms were burning with the strain of holding Annabeth, his legs were turning to jello, and his lungs felt like someone dipped them in acid. He set Annabeth down against some rocks and sat down next to her. He took several minutes to try to catch his breath, then he gently shook her. "Wise Girl, we gotta keep moving. C'mon wake up." Annabeth shifted in her sleep uncomfortably. "I know Annabeth, I'm sorry, but we have to go," Percy said, shaking her again. Annabeth groggily opened her eyes. "Is it my turn to keep watch?" "No," Percy replied, "Polybotes is gettting close. We have to keep moving." Annabeth frowned, "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" "I thought we had a better lead on him," Percy lied. Annabeth looked at him skeptically, "Fine, but tonight I take first watch." "Whatever you say Wise Girl," Percy replied with a small smile. "If I don't drop before that," Percy thought wearily.
When Percy came to, he was lying next to a blazing campfire. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small shadow sitting next to the fire. Percy gasped and jumped to his feet, whipping out Riptide. He looked closer and saw small brown robes shielding a small girl's face. Percy put Riptide away and sat down across from the girl. "I'm sorry Lady Hestia." Hestia looked up at him, her warm brown eyes filling him with comfort. "No use apologizing for survival instincts, Perseus," she said with a small laugh. "Eat," Hestia said gesturing to a plate with a cheeseburger and fries on it. Percy took the plate then the blue Coca-Cola that appeared. "Thank you Lady Hestia." "A small favor compared to your heroics this past year. Very few of the gods and goddesses ever think of you as more than pawns. It is hard when so many were born gods. I am sorry for the way they have treated you Perseus. I can feel your pain just sitting here." Hestia looked at hm with sadness in her eyes. "I appreciate that Lady Hestia, but I am alright." "Is that why you ran away from Camp?" Percy looked down. "Perseus, I understand the role the fates have placed upon you: being one of the only children of the Big Three, the demigod of multiple prophecies, a senior and leader at Camp, and feeling the great need to protect everyone. It is a great burden with so many looking up to you and leaning on you; you have to be unbreakable. However Perseus, I do not lean upon you. You can be broken for a little while. You are safe at the Hearth." Percy let out a defeated sigh, "I feel like I'm slipping. I'm worried I am going to hurt someone." Hestia's eyes glowed in the fire, "You are not the same man you were before Tartarus. That's clear to see. You are trying to remain the man you once were for the sake of those around you, but you are haunted." Percy shook his head, tears in his eyes, "I...I did change. I was so scared. I would do anything to keep her alive. I couldn't let her die. I wouldn't hurt her. It was to keep her alive. I wouldn't hurt her, but she was so scared. I couldn't hurt her. She was terrified of me! I was so angry! After everything she was going to stand there and mock us while she killed us! I wasn't going to be helpless. I wasn't going to let Akhlys win. But I would never hurt Annabeth. I couldn't hurt Annabeth." Tears were streaming down Percy's face now. Hestia sat in thoughtfulness while the hearth blazed steadily. "You are trying to convince yourself. What has happened Perseus?" "I...I had a vision. I...I...I kill- Annabeth." Percy said, choking on his words. "Your grief and guilt is compounding with the trauma you experienced. This is not a vision from the fates Perseus, I can assure you. As for your trauma, I will personally speak to Hygeia and ensure her blessing upon you." "Thank you," he whispered. "Sleep now, Son of Poseidon, no nightmares will come to you beside the hearth."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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