When it went down

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Hey I know no one probably reads this but it's fun writing them so ☺️
Evie's p.o.v
It was a normal school day me and zoë walked to school had our first two periods and then hanged out at break with the rest of our friends but this time joe and Alfie kept pushing me and Callum closer I told zoë and she said something to Alfie but all I heard was
"Last week .... Likes ...... Ask her ... "
Zoë came back over looking really excited and I was confused

Zoë's p.o.v
I didn't like this why was joe and Alfie pushing Callum really close to Evie , we were in sixth form and this was really childish behaviour so I decided to ask Alfie what was going on
A:what's up zoë?
Z:why are you'se all pushing Callum closer to Evie
A:well you see Callum has had felling for Evie for about a week he likes her alot and me and joe think he should ask her out
Z:awe yes they would be soo cute together
I walked back to Evie and ....

Evie's p.o.v
She told me how Callum had feelings for me and I mean he is really good looking but I love joe though he will never feel the same , I walked up to Callum and asked him if it was true he answered "yea" as he looked down at the floor twiddling his thumbs he then said " Evie would you like to erm... go out or something !" "Callum erm... Well the thing is .....

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