t w o

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t w o

January 24, 2013

The sled ride was surprisingly a lot more fun than Elsie had imagined. She thought she would scream her lungs out and fall off somewhere along the path. Instead, she clung onto the front while the gushes of wind whipped the loose strands of hair around her face, sometimes getting caught in her mouth while she was squealing and laughing and, most of all, telling Jack Frost to make the sled go faster.

She wasn't the only one enjoying themselves, though. Jack was laughing and having too much fun for his position of the ride. Flying by the giggling and screaming Elsie seemed to be a normal thing he'd do with Jamie, but he had to admit: she seemed a lot different than the shy girl he had seen minutes before. Now, El looked outgoing and rebellious, wanting to live in the fast lane as she let a hand go or begged him to speed it up. Jack also noticed that she did indeed resemble Jamie and his expressions. When the 10-year old was excited, he too laughed and grinned a mile wide. When he got happy, his eyes sparkled and widened, just like hers. When the brown-headed boy ever got cold, his cheeks and cute button-nose would turn a shade of red, just like hers would. Jack noticed these things, yes, but in a different way. Instead of finding it natural like he did for Jamie, the pale guardian found it fairly attractive on Elsie.

Not like he let that get to him, though. People everywhere are attractive- so what if she is, too?

Now, as they come close to Jamie's house, El was more exhilarated then she'd ever been. In fact, the adrenaline rush in her heart is pumping and ready for a new adventure, one with possibly more sled rides and perhaps a quick dash towards the front door. She wasn't really ready to get off, but her numb body limbs said otherwise. Jack slowed it down a bit, edging off the ice so the wooden transportation would halt in the fluffy white snow. He, too, was a little disappointed that they couldn't go for longer, but the two have already been 6 rounds through Jamie's neighborhood.

As the ice was getting thinner by the second, Elsie took the chance to stand up onto the wood with her boots slick with melted snow. She struggled to balance, at first, but soon got the hang of sliding when she put her arms out beside her. The wind's speed was slowing, but she didn't care. She let one last giggle escape her lips before the sled came to a stop, crashing into the snow harshly. Yes, her expression changed, and yes, she ended up tumbling into the pile of frozen particles, but once again, she didn't honestly care.

Elsie surfaced and let out a short laugh, glancing over to Jack who, at the moment, felt the need to laugh along. So he did.

"So, was that fun or what?" Jack grinned, leaning on his staff as he watched her climb out of the snow bundle.

She let out a puff of air, swirls of white in front of her lips from the cold. Her arms instinctively wrapped themselves around her, chilled to the bone, but the corners of her lips lifted upward into a matching grin. Sure, her bun was now sagging on the back of her head, and yeah, her face felt frozen, but her excitement still hasn't worn off enough to let her realize that.

"Are you kidding me?!" She laughed, the few steps towards the spirit of winter crunching beneath her feet, "That was awesome! I don't think I've had that much fun since-"

Jack's smile faltered just a little at the gap in the sentence, being filled with her fallen face and the fake smile.

"Well, it doesn't matter," she stifles a laugh, rubbing her hands together before flickering her eyes back to his. He wasn't one for details, but he saw the obvious sadness that encircled the deep color of an inevitable brown. Anyone could. She was just trying to hide it for some reason. "Race you?" Elsie suggests, glancing towards the welcoming red house. Jack, deep in thought, managed to catch that before replying with a smirk.

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