4-Yeah, that's as likely as world peace being achieved today

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'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.' - Alan Kay


We all stood there, stunned into silence. I hadn't wanted to sign up for this in the first place, but I'd never have changed my mind if I'd known we were going to destroy the ministry of defence.

"But that's bloody impossible!" Ben yelled. For once in my life, I was in complete agreement with him. There was no way a bunch of teenagers could do that, even if it wasn't highly illegal and we wanted to. Looking round, it didn't seem as though any of us were the type of people who did that. Even Maya and Joshua. Even Ben. Especially not tiny Esme who looked like the sort of sweet angelic child any parent wants their daughter to grow up to be.

"Nothing is impossible if you only set your mind to it." Pierre said, with a cold smile. Man, he was starting to freak me out. Sure, that was basically my motto, but this was destroying a symbol of American rule. Which would be insanely dangerous.

"You want us to blow up a building?" Emilie said, surprising most of us by speaking. "Are you freaking mad? Why the hell did you need us to do that? If you're that desperate, I'm not doing it."

"No one said anything about blowing it up." Pierre said, sounding interested.

"Those two supposedly blew some stuff up, so I guessed that was your intention." she said, with faint sarcasm. There was something about her that seemed achingly familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Very good."

From behind there was a sudden crash as the door was violently shoved open and another woman rushed in. She had short black hair, and I guessed was in her early twenties. "Sorry, sorry," she apologised, walking briskly towards us. "Got held up by a random inspection."

Pierre looked at her with clear distaste, but Veronika was smiling a little. "I'm Angeline." she told us all. "I do know your names, but I've forgotten them, so I'm sorry about that, but it doesn't really matter, and now I'm rambling, darn it, sorry!"

She had apologised four times in under a minute. Wow.

"Thank you for coming, Angeline, but we were in the middle of discussing our great plan." Pierre said icily, making it obvious that her interruption was unwelcome. Bastard. She just smiled obliviously.

"Oh, carry on then, don't mind me!" she winked at Veronika, who suppressed a smile.

"As I was saying, you will be carrying out our plan of blowing up the MIDMA." he said.

"What if we refuse?" Maren broke in.

"Yeah, there's nothing stopping us leaving right now." Ben said.

"As soon as you walk out of the door, an alarm will be triggered and the entire police force will be upon you before you can start to say, what is it you English say?"

"I'm Welsh." he glared.

"Well, the point is, if you try, you will fail. So don't."

"But if we did, you lot would all get caught too, so isn't that a massive design flaw?" Emilie asked sweetly. It was starting to bug me, because there was something I just couldn't put my finger on.

"I really haven't got time to explain everything, because I sincerely doubt you would be able to understand it, but the only consequence would be that you never see the light of day again." he was sounding angry, and I almost started to feel sorry for him. Almost. I still hated him, really.

"I will now continue, without interruption, thank you." I smirked. I knew that was about as likely as world peace being achieved today.

"You were chosen because of your skills, as I told you before. You can be valuable assets to the resistance, if you are willing."

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