10-The calm before the storm. Well, the calmest it can be.

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'A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow'


Being stuck in a room with Maren and Ben was definitely not my idea of fun.

"This is bloody ridiculous," Ben grumbled. "How do they expect us to do this in two days?"

"Well we wouldn't have to if you hadn't messed up," Maren reminded him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it would have happened to anyone else in the same place!"

"No it wouldn't."

"And how do you know?"

"Because anyone else would have been sensible and followed orders."

"You're never going to let this go, are you?"

"Not unless you admit you were really stupid."

"Well why didn't you go if you're so much better?" he yelled, finally losing his temper.

"It's not in my job description."

"You never do anything!"

"Excuse me?" she said angrily.

"You act like you're so much better than the rest of us, but what have you actually done? We risked our lives, and all you can do is say we should have done better, when you've never done anything."

She glared at him coldly. "I've done more than you know."

"Then why do you refuse to go on a mission?"

That was when she lost it. "Because the last time I did, my brother died protecting me and I nearly didn't make it back!"

The room was silent.

But Maren wasn't done. In fact, she looked murderous. "Because I know what it feels like to lose almost everything important to me!"

If I'd been in Ben's position, I'd have - well I don't know what I'd have done. Not, however, carry on arguing.

"You think I don't know? You think you're the only one who's ever lost someone?"

"I was nine years old when my brother died," she said quietly. "He always looked after me, and I've always had to do the same for my little sister. And if you think I'm going to abandon her like Julian abandoned me you can-"

"What's going on?" Iris opened the door. Maren froze in horror and the words died on her lips.

"The usual," I muttered. "Arguing."

"Right," she said slowly. "Pierre wants to talk to Maren and Ben."

"Yay," Ben said sarcastically. "Where is he?"

"Upstairs," she told him. The two of them left, leaving me alone in the room, with Iris in the doorway.

"What were they arguing about?"

"Oh the usual stuff," I said vaguely, pretty sure Maren would murder me if I told Iris anything.

"Which is?"

"I wasn't really listening actually."

"Oh well," she said turning to leave, but she suddenly looked back. "You know, she always thinks I can't look after myself. I just wish she would realise I'm not five years old anymore." With that, she left the room.

There was another meeting later. There were thirteen of us, all seated around a table, looking serious.

"We have two days," Pierre began. "Before it happens. This is the final planning meeting." He then proceeded to take us through exactly what was happening. I was going with Maya and Joshua, and Iris and I were supposed to act as lookouts. We had digital maps and earpieces and it was pretty similar to the mission from a few days ago. Ben was making a speech using the speaker system in the centre of the city, with Maren as backup in case something went wrong. Esme, Cameron, Emilie and Max were staying here on surveillance.

"We will all attempt to return here as soon as we can. We will then discuss any other plans for the future. Meeting adjourned."

The next two days passed slowly. No one said much. Maren and Ben were refusing to speak to each other, communicating solely through glares, Iris seemed to be avoiding her sister and I began to suspect she had heard their argument. Even Max was subdued by the atmosphere.

When we all got up on that freezing morning, the very air seemed to be humming with tension. We ate, still barely saying a word. And then the time for leaving finally came.

"Remember, we will all meet back here." Pierre said to us.

"He's said that at least fifty times," Emilie muttered beside me.

"It's like he has a three second memory." I said. She sniggered.

"Well, this is it." She said, as we all started to get up and leave. "Goodbye!"

As I followed Maya, Joshua and Iris, I wish I'd known it would be the last time I ever saw her.


Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. We have some news!
We're rewriting CNX, and next week will be the last chapter of this version. We're really excited about the re-write and we'll try to get it up ASAP.
Thanks for reading and as always vote, comment and follow!

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