Chapter 3

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I stared at him for a second then I cleared my throat to get his attention, he stood up then looked at me. I could still see the pain I’ve cause in his eyes. He sa

“Um… Good morning…?” I said nervously and unsure. He smiled at me, “Good morning to you too.” he said.

I gulped then looked at him, “Hey… Um… There’s something I wanted to tell you…” I said then I looked down. “What is it?” he said.

“Y-ya’ know… I lied to you…” I said.

“A-about what?” he asked a bit confused.

“I-I lied… I lied about hating you…” I said as I turn my head away to hide my blushing face.

He stared at me for a little moment then blushed a bit. “Then how do you really feel about me?” he asked.

My heart started beating faster and faster. That moment, I really don’t know how to say the things I wanted to say. I ran to him and before I knew it, I was hugging him tightly.

“My feelings should be obvious, dattebane…” I said.

I felt that he hugged me back, He looked at me, “I not only like you, Kushina. I love you.”

He said with a smile. I stared at him, I could feel my tears falling down my red cheeks. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I-I… I love you too…” I said, crying with joy.

He touched my burning cheeks then stroked my red hair. “Maybe your beautiful hair really is the red thread of destiny.” he said.

I leaned forward, our lips were only two inches away from each other, we were about to kiss then suddenly, a student came in. It was Fugaku Uchiha. We immediately separated.

“Did I just disturbed something?” Fugaku teased.

“N-no… N-nothing… We weren’t doing anything…: Minato said with a smiled that’s a bit annoyed then gave a fake laugh.

“Okay, if you say so.” Fugaku said, still teasing us.

Students started coming in, everyone sat on their right seats then meetings started going on session. After that short meeting, everyone went to their right teams.

Later that evening, Minato brought me home,

“Take care now, I don’t want anything bad happening to you,” he said as he kissed my forehead. I nodded than hugged him tightly before he left. I couldn’t wait to see Minato again, he never fail to make me smile even though he’s not trying hard.

I went upstairs to my room. I took a quick shower then changed onto my pajamas. I laid on my bed then closed my eyes. I saw the image of Minato and what will our future will be like. Then I remembered something, something that I’m terrified at. I remembered I have the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside of me, I looked at my stomach to see the seal. I touched it. What if Minato finds out about this? What will be his reaction? Will he hate me? I don’t know. I just went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with tears in my eyes. I thought of my dream, I was talking to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

“Kushina… You’re worrying about that boy you like so much, eh?” he said evilly. I just glared at him. “If he finds out about me, he’ll surely hate you and think you’re a monster!” he added, roaring then he laughed evilly.

“You don’t know anything…” I said, still glaring.

“Well, do you know him real well?” he asked.

“I… I…” I said, a bit scared.

“I thought so… he and everyone will hate you… he’ll tell everyone that you have a monster in you that will destroy the Hidden Leaf Village one day!” he roared.

“Shut up! You don’t know anything!” I yelled.

“He may be soft but you’ll never know, he might have a bad side once he fins out what you have.” He said before laughing evilly again.

“H-he told me he loved me so why would he hate me like that?” I said, trying to control my tears. “And besides, you also know nothing about him-ttebane!” I added.

“If you say so, but don’t blame me if you get hurt, little girl…” he said before disappearing into the darkness.

The Nine-Tailed Fox’s words stuck to my mind. I am now having second thoughts about telling Minato about him.

Later that day, I went to the cherry blossom trees to think. I looked up then I saw him sitting on one of the trees.


A Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction: My True Feelings (Minato x Kushina)Where stories live. Discover now