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"Brothers" Jesse hisses, jumping to his feet, eyes wide.

"There's no fucking way, that douche bag could be your brother!" He exclaims.

"He's so..so violent, he doesent care about anyone but himself, it's so ovbious he came from a fucked up home of serious abuse of some kind, god I actut feel ba for him now" Jesse chuckles bitterly.

"Shut the fuck up Jesse!" Sage hisses.

By now I can feel my whole body shaking, I try rapidly to control my breathing.

He came from a fucked up home of serious abuse of some kind

That's the only sentence that rings threw my head as memories of my dad come flashing back.


"Kyler, Jordan" my fathers deathly drunken voice hollers.

I jump, letting out a quiet whimper, hiding into myself.

"Faggots, get your worthless asses down here now!" My father screams, louder.

I feel my body begin to tremble, as tears begin to soak my 7 year old cheeks.

"No no no no" I mumble as i begin to hyperventilate.

My door suddenly opens, foot steps quickly aproching me.

I feel hands grip my shoulders.

I let out a deathly scream, the tears breaking through.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! Please" I scream, thrashing in the persons hold.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I continue to cry, my shaking only increasing by the second.

I'm going to die this time. He's going to kill me. I know what happens when I don't come when called. He's going to literally kill me.

"Hey, kyler" a voice whispers frantically, "I'm not gonna hurt you ky, I promise"

I look up hastily, my blurry vision just making out the sight of my brother.

"J-jax?" My voice comes out so quiet I'm suprised he heard

But none the less, he smiles down at me, gently picking me up, bringing me into his lap.

"I'm so sorry ky..." He sighs, burying his face in my small shoudler.

"W-why?" I ask, confused.

"F-for all of this, I-if I had just kept you safe... You wouldn't be like this" he whispers.

Like what? Aren't I suppose to be like this? Isn't this how all daddy's treat there kids?

"Like what?" I ask, tilting my head, brown hair falling over my eyes.

He sighs, shaking his head, "NEver mind ky, just know im going to protect you.. I promise he will never hurt you like he hurt me...I promise"

After that, I stopped trusting in promises, I learned there all just a big load of bull shit.

At the time I didn't understand what he meant.

By saying. I promise to Never let him hurt you the way he hurt me.

I was only 7, I hardly knew how to speak, thanks to my parents.

But now, years later, I know exactly what he meant.

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