Part 10

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Menhaus got to Tina's apartment. He could see soft lighting coming through her curtains. He could faintly see his reflection in the window and shifted his hair around a bit. It was probably the best it was going to look, he thought to himself. He sighed. Why did it always have to fluff out at the sides like that? He tried licking his hand and smoothing down the sides, it seemed to work for now but make him feel a little stupid, like he was a 50s greaser or something. He straightened out his clothes a bit and got the sleeve of his jacket caught in the zipper on the other side of his jacket. He struggled with it, vigorously at first and then, realising he might rip it, used his other hand to try and unhook the fabric. It was slow going. After about thirty seconds he heard Tina's voice inside, "hey is someone out there?"

"Uh, yeah, it's just me." The porch light came on and Menhaus frantically struggled with the thread. He heard the door knob turn and jerked his arms to his side. He heard a slight rip sound come from the end of his sleeve and really hoped the damage wasn't too bad.

The door opened and Tina stood there in softer clothes than what she'd had on that night. She was in what looked like yoga pants and a tank top with what looked like a soft white top with no sleeves underneath. Menhaus concentrated on not looking at her cleavage, which was really hard as the tank top and shirt under put it on display a bit. Tina smiled, he noticed that her eyes were a little pink. From crying? Before he could ask she jumped forward and gave him a hug. He put his arms around her and closed his eyes.

"Hi Menhaus." She whispered into his ear.

"Hi Tina" he said back and started to feel the panic rise in him. Great. This happened whenever he would be close to sexual contact with a girl. He had never been able to help it. He tried to calm himself down. It'll be ok when she breaks the hug and walks off to keep talking or make us tea or whatever, he thought to himself. Tina loosened her grip on him. "Good" he thought, "not long now, I can compose myself." Tina brought herself slightly away from Menhaus, but kept contact with him, running her hands down his arms till her hands were in his and they were face to face. She looked into his eyes and smiled. Then, Menhaus saw her close her eyes and come in for a kiss. He closed his eyes too and kissed her. The first kiss was soft and sweet, then she opened her mouth slightly and poked her tongue into his mouth. He opened his mouth wider and let her explore his mouth fully while they kept kissing, then he pushed his own tongue past the opening of her mouth and felt the softness of her tongue with his, grinding his lips against hers.

He felt his body begin to tremble. Shit! He thought. No, stop. Tina stopped kissing him and pulled away. She had a look of concern on her face, "are you ok? What's wrong?"

Menhaus felt his face start to burn, "N..nothing's wrong. I'm just nervous, that's all."

"Aww nervous?" Tina came back close to him and rested her head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly, "there's nothing to be nervous about. Don't you like kissing me? Is this too fast."

"No, not at all. I mean, of course I like kissing you. I like you."

"I like you too, Menhaus" Tina breathed into his ear, and kissed his throat. She kissed his neck again slightly higher up, then kissed his earlobe and playfully tugged it with her teeth. Menhaus felt his shakes calm down but his heart was still beating hard. "Is that a bit better?" Tina asked.

"Yeah I think so" Menhaus said and kissed Tina on the cheek, immediately feeling stupid for doing so. Tina didn't say anything though, and kissed him on the cheek in return, then brought her face back around to where she could kiss him on the lips again, this time starting off with a deep, passionate kiss. Their mouths seemed to meld together, Menhaus was briefly worried their teeth would hit each other but it didn't seem to happen, the kiss was all warm skin of lips against lips, tongue against tongue, warm breath and saliva.

"Hey.. now I know you're relaxed" Tina said and smiled at him.Menhaus felt his erection shift in his pants. Tina put a hand on it and kissedhim again. "I think we should gointo my bedroom" she breathed . She took his hand and led him through thelounge room, into a small hallway and then through a door that led to what wasobviously her bedroom. She had a lamp on with a red shade that painted thewhole room a dusky colour. She brought him to the side of the bed, then came inclose again and kissed him softly on the lips, smiled and pulled his shirt overhis head. Her lips came in to Menhaus's again and they kissed passionatelyagain, their tongues exploring each other's mouths.

For Menhaus, the next twenty, thirty, forty minutes were a blur. After, they lay sated and sweaty,  Tina's head resting on Menhaus's chest with his arm around her shoulders.

 "Did you ever think this would happen?" he said to her, the scent of her hair filling his nose.

"What you making me come three times?" She said, "it never really crossed my mind."

"haha" he said, "But seriously, had you thought about me, you know, sexually before?"

"Well.." she said, "Obviously I thought you were an attractive guy or the possiblity of this would've never occurred to me. But honestly... no. You were my friend. I thought you were cute, and funny but I didn't think I would end up having sex with you."

"Yeah I can understand that.

Tina twisted herself around so she could position her head above Menhaus's. "So what about you? Did you ever think about me sex-u-a-lly?" She dragged the word out phonetically and wiggled her butt slightly as she did.

"Umm.. well.. if I'm being honest..."


"Of course I did. I mean, you're really hot. I was able to keep those thoughts in the back of my mind though because we were good friends."

Tina laughed. "Oh dear. So what do you want to do now? Are you hungry or anything?"

"I'm more worn out than anything else. I think I need a rest."

She lay down next to him again, leaving her head on his chest. "Let's just lie like this for a while then."

"That sounds just fine, Tina."

She closed her eyes. Menhaus felt exhaustion overcome him and decided to close his eyes as well. Darkness closed in on him and he felt himself swept into the warm arms of sleep.

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