Part 21

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The mime continued walking around the party talking to random people. He found that because he fit the stereotype of a general "Anime nerd" without actually being threatening or a mouth breather most people were quite happy to talk to him. He looked up and saw Calliope approach him. "Hi there!" he said, "Really, this party is..."

she took his hand, "Come speak to me near the lifts."

This wasn't good, he was never to leave an assigned job area, aspecially if it was with someone who had found him out. Was it different if it was another operative? Probably not. He spoke under his breath, "Hey listen, I know what you're doing and I"m doing it too and it doesn't matter OK? You know we can't leave so let's just keep going..." He looked at her. She looked immeasurably sad, there was a pleading in her eyes. "Wait, what's wrong? Have I mis judged this."

"Please." She said, "please. Four. Come to the lift."

"For who?" He was confused. she pushed her finger into his chest and whispered,

"Four. You are. Four. Please, come with me."

His mind shattered into a million pieces. Wordlessly he took her hand and they walked out of the room through the glass doors and to the lift. The lift dinged and the doors opened as they approached, even though they didn't push the button. The mime felt like he was a small kid again, walking with a fruit box in one hand, holding the hand of a little girl in the other. The pressed the button for the ground floor and the lift began to descend.

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