Part 26

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Menhaus was at the hospital visiting his friend again. "Why are you still in here for just a broken leg? Shouldn't they be able to just give you crutches or something?"

His friend smiled a small, tight smile and said, "Unfortunately it's not that simple anymore, man. Apparently the leg has become infected where the bone broke. So they have to keep me under surveillance and feed me antibiotics through this tube here." He gestured to a clear tube hanging next to him that Menhaus realized he hadn't seen before.

"Jesus, man. I didn't realise. How crap. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Obviously, it's not your fault. Hey, how was your birthday in the end anyway? I mean, aside from my bouncing off the car. You and Tina seemed pretty close when you came in the other day."

"Pretty close? Well, I guess we were just both worried about you and it made us a little friendlier I guess?"

The friend smiled a little sly half-smile. "I'm not an idiot, man. I can pick up on body language. Have you two fooled around or slept together or what? It's alright, I won't tell anyone else. Or tell Tina you told me."

"I mean... I shouldn't really..."

"A ha! 'Shouldn't' means you did! You two had sex!"

A nearby nurse turned her head at the most recent exclaimation with an amused look on her face. Meneleus mouthed a 'sorry' at her then turned back to his friend. "Keep your voice down, ok? Yes, we had sex. It just sort of happened."

"So it's just a one night thing? Spur of the moment?"

"Well... I thought it was that to begin with."

"Had you had feelings for her before this?"

"Not really, actually. I mean, I noticed she was pretty hot but I didn't really think past that. We've just been friends for so long it never really occurred to me."

"But now?"

"Now I kind of want to keep seeing her. She's pretty cool I think."

"Oh so it will be official then?"

"Never know, I guess. Obviously it's partly up to her."

"Mostly I think." |

"You're probably right, you know."

The friend smiled. "Oh, I know. Hey, could you bring me some more magazines next time? I finished the ones you brought me last time."

"Sure. Skating mags?"

"Actually, I was thinking some comics. Maybe a couple of graphic novels? I'll give you the money for them."

"Nah don't worry about it. Have you read the big Batman stories?"

"I always wanted to actually but never got around to it."

"Cool... I'll get you The Dark Knight Returns. You'll get into it."

"Alright awesome. I hate to do this to you, but I think I'm going to take a nap. These antibiotics are pretty strong, they really make me drowsy all the time."

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