Chapter One

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* Sonics POV *

I stared at Eggman.

He folded his arms with a smirk. "Well, hedgehog? Which are you going to surrender?"

I looked over at Amy. She stared at me with tear filled eyes, pain written all over her face. She mouthed the word, No.

I looked back at Eggman, my glare stony. I'm not gonna loose Amy. Not again.

"You got my speed." I mumbled, taking my hands off the bars and dropping my stare.

"Sonic no!" I heard Amy shout.

Scourge grinned. "I like where this is going."

I glared at him. "I'm not doing this for your entertainment." I snapped. "I'm doing this for her."

Eggman waved a hand at me. "Whatever. Stand aside so I can let you out... And don't try anything, or else the girl dies."

I did what I was told and allowed Scourge to put handcuffs on my wrists.

He grinned at me slyly. "Entertainment or not. This is gonna be one heck of a show." He pulled me away by the chains.

"Sonic!" Amy called, voice cracking.

I turned my head to her, smiled sadly, and mouthed three words: I love you.

The doors closed before I could see her reaction.


"I... Told you we'd... Get out of this!" Sapphire huffed, grinning victoriusly.

Tails slumped to the floor, sweat making his fur stick up in all directions. "Yeah... But everything hurts!"

"Same here!" Lapuz complained.

Luescris stood in front of the three. "We're not done yet."

The three groaned.

"C'mon. Can't we at least rest first?" Lapuz begged. "My feet hurt!"

Luescris narrowed her eyes. "Sure you can. But remember this: I'm just as sore as you. And here I am, standing and pushing forward. You know why? Two of our friends are in trouble. But that doesn't matter, I guess. You'd rather sit here on your bums and complain and whine."

Sapphire and Lapuz blinked. Before they could say anything, a cry of pain hit their ears. They all looked in that direction with surprised expressions.

"I think that was Sonic!" Tails cried, then flew off. The girls followed behind him just as another cry of pain echoed through the halls.

Back to Sonic

My head hitched back as I gave another cry of pain. The bolts of energy returned to the cuffs around my hands and feet, and I dropped my head.

"Fifty percent complete." A female voice said.

All this just to my speed?! I thought.

"Excellent." Eggman chuckled.

I slowly looked up at him, eyes still somewhat closed. "Just... Get it over with, Eggface."

He shook his head and sighed. "We won't have any of that, now will we? You haven't forgot about your girlfriend, have you?"

I looked at Amy's cage. Tears streamed her face and her hand was placed over her mouth. Her eyes were filled with horror.

I smiled at her softly. "That's who I'm doing this for." I looked back at him. "Just do this quickly. Get it over with."

Eggman grinned. "If that's what you want. Scourge! Now!" He backed away slowly as it started up again. "Let's see you survive this, hedgehog."

Oh boy. Here we go. I thought, and cringed as the energy bolts crawled onto my skin again.

The pain quickly increased until it traveled throughout my entire body. I threw my head back again and gave a cry of pain. This time, at the top of my lungs. I writhed and pulled at the cuffs that kept me in the position I was in.

But what happened next surprised everyone. The cuffs of the trap broke with my next pull. Energy replaced the pain I felt and I was able to get out of the trap. They all stared at me with shock and disbelief.

"S-super Sonic?" Eggman stuttered.

I looked down. Sure enough, my blue fur was now a bright golden yellow. I looked back up with a grin. "Well, that's the end of that." I flew towards Amy's cage and broke it open. I stretched out a hand to her, and she took it slowly. I brought her into my arms bridal style, then flew away.
I shot out of a window and across the night sky, enjoying the air that whipped at my face and Amy's presence. She tightened her grip as I flew up into the clouds. I finally stopped a few feet above the clouds and looked down at Amy.

"You can look now."

She slowly pulled her head out of my shoulder, and looked up at me. Her eyes filled with tears. "Sonic..."

* Amy's POV *

I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I placed my head on his chest. "I'm sorry. If I hadn't ran away like I did, none of this would've happened."

"Hey. Don't worry about it." I heard him say softly. "As a matter of fact, I'm the one who started it. I shouldn't have said those terrible things to you. I should be apoligizing."

I looked up at him. At his beautiful red eyes. I smiled. "Guess we're both at fault, then."

He smiled back. "Guess so." It quickly faded, and his gaze dropped. "You... You won't leave me again, right?"

I placed a hand on his cheek and gently brought pulled it to my face. I searched his for a moment. "Never."

He smiled again, then kissed me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck as tiny fireworks went off in my head.

He pulled away, almost reluctantly, and placed his head on mine. "I should get you home." He whispered.

I giggled, and nodded. His grip around my waist got tighter and he flew towards the ground.

I blinked. Clouds? We're up that high?

I looked over his shoulder and gasped: The moon was huge. More stars than I ever would imagine danced around it as clouds slowly passed, becoming illuminated by the moons' light.

I rested my head on his shoulder and admired the scene, taking in what I could before it was completely covered. I turned my head back in front, then yelped with shock as vertigo crashed into me. I gripped onto Sonic tighter and eventually closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. It took a few minutes to arrive at my back yard (Why he did this, I'm not sure). I placed my feet on his as he slowly descended to the ground, and stared into my eyes. Once he touched the ground, he kissed me once more and let me go.

I smiled at him and whispered, "I love you, too."

He grinned and opened his mouth to say something, then he fell to the ground with a small, tired sounding groan.

I blinked.

Aaaannd cliffhanger!! XD Don't worry. It's not anything bad. He's just tired (SPOILER ALERT!!). Anywho, give most of the credit to IGotThatSonic, 'cause she's the one who started it all. I'm just finishing it for reasons I don't think I can say. Hoped ya liked it!

Lapuz, Sapphire: IGotThatSonic
Luescris: Meh :3
Sonic characters: ©SEGA

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