Chapter Seven

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* Sonics POV- 3 Years Later*

I paced back and forth in my bed room, hands behind back. Today, I was going to do something I thought I'd NEVER do in my life.

I was going to propose to Amy Rose.

I had on a suite and everything--still not wearing pants--just for the occasion. But it scared me. There were so many things that could go wrong. What if she rejected me? What if I lost the ring? Would she be angry? It was nerve racking!

I was going to do this at a small little resturant I found one day on one of my runs. It was really cute and simple, and the food was absolutely amazing. Perfect for my Rose.

Someone then knocked in my door, and I inhaled slowly.

You can do this Sonic. I encouraged myself as I walked to the door. You can do this.

When I opened the door, my mouth dropped.

Amy stood at the door, smiling and hands behind her back. She wore a strapless red silk dress that went over her feet. It nicely contrasted her torso, making my cheeks light up a bit. Her quills were in small curls and draped over her shoulders. Small red studs in her ears, a small fusia clip in her hair, and red lipstick added to her structure.

I felt my throat dry up and my mind went blank. I realized that my mouth was open, and I quickly snapped it shut. I gave a lopsided grin.

"Wow... Y-you look beautiful." I managed to say.

She giggled. "Thank you."

I held out my arm, and she took it. I walked out of the door with Amy my side. A limo pulled up in the front. I opened the door and led her in, still trying to stay calm. We rode on for about thirty minutes, talking and laughing. The box that held the ring bounced softly against my lap as we went. We finally arrived, and Amy gave a small gasp.

''Is that...?" She whispered as we pulled into the parking lot.

I nodded. "The Little Shack."

The driver held out the door. Amy slipped out first, eyes sparkling with awe and wonder.

I leaned into the driver, watching her with a smile. "Thanks Tails." I whispered.

He nodded and headed back into the car, winking and giving me a thumbs-up. I walked by Amy.

"Sonic..." She muttered, still smiling. "This is amazing."

I chuckled. "I did that on purpose."

I took her hand and walked in.

The resturant was bright and cheery. Tables and chairs were neatly lined up in four different rows and columns, white table cloths set up on top with a small flower vase in the middle. The walls were a peach color and pictures of many different things were hung up on them. Mini Chandeliers hang from the ceilung over each table, enchancing the already beautiful scene. A large window was set on the left of the resturant. The large moon and stars made it look much more romantic. Perfect.

I led Amy to a table next to the window in a corner. I pulled out a chair for her to sit in, and she smiled up at me with still sparkling eyes. Then sank into her chair. I sat across from her, watching as she swivled around to take in her surroundings.

"This is wonderful." She breathed finally. "Where did you get the money to go here?"

"I got a free discount once." I replied with a small shrug.

She turned to me. "Is this for any particular reason?"

I shrugged. "Nah."

A waitress walked up to us and gave us menus. I gave her a quick smile before she left and opened my menu, pretending to look at the choices that the restaurant offered.

The Found Rose (Sequel to The Missing Rose:A Sonamy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now