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This contains:

Strong language


Although it looks like it's gonna be really sad, I PROMISE it will be really fluffy. I just have to say that as there will be the occasional... sadness.

This is also not going to be very long. Only about 10-15 chapters so don't expect 40.

Okay, enjoy



Why am I back here again?

Why did I think this was a good Idea?

The one place in the world that brings the most bad memories.

The most pain.

Where it all ended,


It all began.


Why the beach?

I get that we can relax and stuff here, but can't we just do that at a park.

Sand gets everywhere and the noise of the waves is just annoying.

It's the morning too. I mean seriously, who want's to be at the beach in the morning when you could be sleeping.

Anyway, we're here, so better enjoy it.

I gingerly stepped out the car, closing it behind me. I took a deep breath, looking around. There weren't that many people here, as it was around 9:30. My friends just said they wanted a good spot before people started arriving.

"Hey Chair!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "You coming?" Colin.

"Yeah yeah, just give me a sec. I'll catch up with you." I said nonchalantly. He just shrugged and jogged down the make-shift steps, onto the sand.

I stood in the car park over looking the sea, just taking it in, when someone came running up bank to the left of me, a panicked look across their face.

It was a girl actually, and she was panting heavily, as if she was running from something.

She didn't notice me as she ran to one of the very few cars parked here, frantically dropping the key. Picking them up with shaky hands, she attempted to slid it into the lock. Her hand where moving to much however, and after a minute of trying, she broke down in tears.

Turning until her back was to the door, and slowly slid down it, sitting on the floor and cupping her face with her hands. He shoulder bounced after ever loud sob, her silky hair slowly falling down her shoulders as she did.

Should I say something? Should I try and console her, help open her car door?

I stood there, unsure of what to do. After a minute of contemplating, I shuffled her to her side, sitting cross-legged next to her.

When she herd the shuffle of my clothes, she slowly lifter her head, connecting our eyes. There was an awkward silence, in which I used to study her face.

Black tear stains had already dried up in little streaks down her rosy cheeks. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot but the deep chocolaty colour of her irises still showed through. A small scar ran through her left eyebrow. You don't see it at first, but if you really look, you can see the misshapen skin that will never be what it used to. A light sprinkle of freckles cover the bridge of her nose and just under her eyes.

She was beautiful...

A little but obvious cough broke my daydreaming, bring me back to the matter at hand.

"Oh yes, sorry, I'm Chandler." I smiled, holding my hand out.

"Logan." She whispered, taking her shaking hand in mine.

"I saw you were upset and I wanted to lift your mood." I said softly, not wanting to alarm her.

"Why would you want to help me? You don't know me." She asked, sniffling.

"I Don't need to."






Ria Xxxx

A Happy Coincidence • RIGGS [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now