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My mum texted me telling me won't be coming home tonight due to over time at work.

God I knew it! not even my own mother wants to see me!

It's around 8:30 as of now and I was sitting in my living room. I wasn't doing anything. I didn't have anything on. It was just silent throughout the house, nothing but the faint tick of the clock to keep me company. That and my thoughts.

That was a bad idea.

I just had so many thoughts running through my head.







"JUST GO AWAY!" I screamed out of no where. 

I just let it out. All the emotions that had built up over the last 24 hours, I let out.

I started screaming, crying. My mouth couldn't find the word's, it just let out the feeling of the mixed emotions.







I couldn't keep it in. In my frustration, I grabbed a glass vase and smashed it onto the floor.

Thousands of shards scattered across the floor, light bouncing of them as they did. Water spilled into a puddle on the floor and the previous flowers it had held lay lip on the floor. 

I just collapsed onto the floor, hearing the noise of glass breaking up under my weight. I felt a few stabbed of glass under my clothing but never felt the pain of it piercing my skin.

But I want to feel it. I wan to feel the cold glass pull across my skin, creating that stinging but relaxing felling it brought.

I let out another ear piercing scream of desperation just to feel something, to feel better. 

It didn't work.

I looked around, my eye catching a large shard that had not split completely. Grabbing it, I felt the sharp edge pushing against my palm. A Small smile made it to my face as I felt rivers of tears falling down my cheeks. However, the smile was replaced with a frown as the glass came in contact with the bare skin on y wrist.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

Before I could apply pressure, a loud bang sounded from behind me. Followed by one short, panicked but confused word.



"Do I have to go out! It's like 8:30!" I complained continuously with my mum.

A Happy Coincidence • RIGGS [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now