Chapter 20: What?...No Kiss Goodbye?

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The voice was faint and drew me in. It wasn't long before all I saw was black, and I was hearing the husky voice of Asher, whispering "Ivana."

I finally came to the realization that I was sleeping, and fluttered my eyes open, blinking away the blur.

The lights were dim, but I could still see him.

He was looking down at me, narrowing his eyes so he could see me better.

Groaning and inhaling deeply, I looked up to meet his face and rubbed my eyes whispering,"what!" But it came out as a hiss.

"Are you awake?"

"Now I am. What do you want?"

"Nothing I was wondering if you were awake?" He said with a cheeky grin.

Rolling my eyes, I stopped and asked,"what time is it."

Removing his attention from me he looked up at the clock then back to me and said, "its 8:30."

With that I took my hands and covered my face, and slid them down slowly. In an attempt to wipe away some if my tiredness.

My eyes were now fully open, and I recollected that I had slept at the hospital with Asher. I turned to look at him and fixed my now raspy voice to say, "I should go."

As I got ready to get up and leave, I felt an arm wrap around my waste restricting me from going anywhere. Soon I was pulled further onto the bed and was against his body.

Like a little kid he whined, "Noo. Stay with me. Please?" He did his little lip pout that would have gotten me on any other day, but not today. I was too tired for that shit.

"No Ash. I have to go. I'll see you on Monday, when you get back to school okay?"

"Ugh. Fine." His eyes were fixed on the bed as his lashes sat upon his cheeks. He sighed dramatically, as I stared at him, in aw of how childish he could be at times.

Irritated by his childish antics, I felt a smile tug at my lips. My eyes traced along his features from his long eye lashes that could've been mistaken for false lashes, to his red tinted moist lips, and back to his eyes. His eyes were now a glowing sunset of hazel, that just invited me to get lost in them. The dark black orbs in is eyes retracted, leaving behind more of the dim golden light. They held happiness, and was calm and tranquil, almost making you want to be devoured by them. Looking at them made me feel lost, as they began to become smaller, being covered by his cheeks.

His cheeks were plump and led me to the wide grin on his face. He was smiling like a little kid who was just told that he'd be getting a puppy for Christmas.

His mouth began to move and smack together formulating words that I couldn't hear. I was too far gone admiring his beauty. Too far gone to realize that I was staring at him, and he was staring back at me.

My face mirrored his as the tugging grin at my lips began to increase, revealing my teeth, as I mouthed "What?"

I felt a light squeeze on my waste before the pressure was gone."You were staring Iva."

"Was not," I said trying my best to conceal my heated cheeks as I clasped my hands to the sides of my face.

"You totally were... But its okay. You could stare at me all day babe." He winked at me sending my stomach to disappear into a swarm of butterflies. I was now redder than Rudolf, but I tried my best to conceal my beaming cheeks, but my attempt was useless.

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