Chapter 22: Jeremy..

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Today I was too tired to come up with an elaborate outfit because in all honesty I felt like shit.

I had a bad dream that only comes for about a week around this time of the year. It comes to remind me not to forget what I've lost and how much my life has changed because of that loss. I usually choose to not talk about it, and that's what I'll do. I'll ignore it until it goes away, like I do every year. But I do have to admit this bad dream was different from the ones I've had for the past couple of years. It was so bad that I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. It probably didn't mean anything, but it did keep me up all night so I was only able to get about two hours of sleep.

So basically I was tired beyond belief.

When I woke up to go over to the bathroom, I grabbed my tooth brush, and my toothpaste, then turned to the mirror. My jaw almost dropped to the ground at the sight that was before me.

I looked dead.

Like a walking, talking, breathing, zombie.

My skin was flushed, and I had bags underneath my eyes that began to turn purple and blue, but it wasn't anything that concealer couldn't fix...

Though I did run out of concealer about a week ago.

My eyes were not their vibrant forest green color. Instead they were dark and lifeless, and that was exactly how I felt. I guess the way you feel on the inside really does affect your appearance.

I shrugged it off, finished brushing my teeth, and when I was done I hopped in the shower. I took a nice warm shower, soothing my muscles and warming me up a bit, before I made the water a little cooler to hopefully shock me awake. It did the job because now I was fully awake.

Hopping out of the shower I took another look at myself in the mirror. My bags had seemed to decrease, and were not bulging like before. I didn't look too dead because the color was now back in my face.

After observing my face, I took off my towel and dried my hair with it. Walking over to my closet I decided that I'd dress simple today so I threw on my baby blue hoodie, and my black skinny jeans that had the cuts at the knees. Then I matched them with my black and white vans.

I took a brush through my hair and wrapped it up in a bun. I grabbed my vans backpack, phone, and keys, and left my room to head downstairs.

I crept out on my tiptoes, because I knew mom was still asleep, and that she'd be working later. She needed all the sleep she could get too, now that this time of the year came around. It would be hard for her, and the rest of the family. So I'm trying to make it as easy for them as possible.

I picked up an apple from the counter, and a water bottle from the refrigerator, and headed out of the door, making sure to lock it behind me silently. I stood outside of the door for about a minute because I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I had forgotten something, but I couldn't think of what so I left anyway.

Today I didn't feel like driving, because I felt like today had been one of those days to just walk and take in the world before you enter the solitary confinement that we call school.

As I was walking I took in the cool fall breeze that dried up my hair. I dug my hands deep into the pockets of my sweater and walked, one foot in front of the other. The sun wasn't shining, or at least not yet. The sky was one of those cloudy gray-blueish colors that made you want to think about life and junk. But I didn't want to think I just wanted to walk. I wanted to walk so far that I'd hopefully fall off the face of the Earth.

I kept walking, and walking until something made me stop.

I heard a voice in the wind. It was like a whisper, and the voice that I heard made the hairs on my neck raise and made my breathing hitch. My eyes popped out of its sockets, and the air blew in them drying them up, before I began to blink and they became moist again.

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