E N T R Y : 11

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J U L Y, S A T U R D A Y 7, 2 0 0 7.

She told me, she loves me. But I replied silence.

Fiona Stonehurst.


Webster defines love as, "A strong feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire, enthusiasm and fondness." Love seems to be the main underlying goal that we all strive for in our lifetimes.

It is easy to say. But hard to express.

Love is when you become more concerned with that person's well-being than your own. Love is waking up in the morning and you feel self-confident, complete, at peace and secure with yourself.

To most, love is a noun. But for me, it is a verb that you need to express. Love is not only accepting her flaws, but making every flaws likable, amiable, or lovable.

Love is not telling you love her every minute or every second of your life. It is loving her and expressing how much she means to you even between your fights.

Love is like life, undefinable. You will never realize the real meaning of it until it was gone.

And as for me, love doesn't exist anymore. It is just a word that has many definitions.

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