We're Getting A Divorce

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(Y/F/N) = Your Friend's Name

It's the next day and both Gabby and Ethan are at school. It's a little before noon and you're slipping into your jacket by the front door, Patrick standing behind you with Zachary in his arms.

"Are you sure you can't take him?" He asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet to keep Zach happy, "I was supposed to meet up with the guys today."

"I'm going to the mall to meet up with (Y/F/N)," You mumble, buttoning the two sides of your coat together, "Do you know how hard it would be to take Zach to the mall?"

Patrick heaves a sigh, "Yeah."

"Exactly. It'd be much easier for you to take him to whatever place you and the guys are meeting up at than for me to take him to the mall."

"It just seems like you don't want to spend time with him," Patrick adds as you walk past him to get your keys.

"What do you mean?" You inquire, snatching your keys off of their designated hook above the breakfast bar in the kitchen and pocketing them.

"(Y/N), I know something's up," He tells you, entering the room and stopping you from leaving, "I don't know what, but I know something's not right." You remain silent, looking into his sad bluish green eyes. "(Y/N), I just want to help."

"Well you can help by getting out of my way and making sure Zach isn't left alone," You gently push him aside and head towards the front door, yanking the front door open.

Patrick spins around to face you, "(Y/N), wait! Doesn't this all feel familiar to you?" You stop in your tracks. "You're shutting me out, just like I did you. And you know where me shutting you out got us?" He takes a few steps towards you, your back still to him, "It tore us apart. We didn't have much to lose back then, since it was just the two of us and we weren't married. But now we are and we've got three kids. So I'm begging you, please, don't shut me out."

"Patrick, I don't know what's up with me, okay?" You snap, turning around so you're looking at him, "I just want to go out with my friend and catch up with her, something I haven't done in a while. Is that so wrong?"

He sighs, "No, I guess not."

The corner of your lips perks up and you walk up to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. You slowly pull away and whisper, "I love you."

He meets your gaze and replies sincerely, "I love you too."

You look down at Zach and give him a kiss too, much more innocent and quick than the one you gave to Patrick. After that, you walk out the door and get in your car, headed for the mall.


You and your friend are skimming the clothing racks at your favorite fashion boutique. You pull out a shirt and hold it up to your chest, asking, "Hey, (Y/F/N), what do you think?"

"It looks nice!" She compliments your choice, before pulling out a shirt for herself and doing the same, "Not as nice as this though." You roll your eyes and look down at the tag, noting the size. It's your size, or at least, what used to be your size. You frown and return the shirt back to its place.

"You know, we don't hang out nearly enough," Your friend comments out of the blue, slinging the shirt over her arm to add to the pile she already has. "We should get together more often."

"What about a double date?" You suggest, "You and your husband, and me and Patrick. He and I haven't been out on a date in so long. I think it'd be nice."

Your friend's face drops, though you don't notice, seeing as you're looking for another shirt, preferably a bigger one.

"Yeah, but I...I was thinking just you and me," She tries to play it off, "Our husbands never really liked each other that much anyways."

"I don't even like your husband," You chuckle. You don't feel bad about your remark, because this isn't the first time you've stated your distaste in the man she devoted herself to. She knows you don't like him, she knows a lot of people don't like him.

"Well you don't have to worry about him anymore because he and I are getting a divorce," Your friend lays the news on you suddenly. Your eyes grow wide and you glance up at her.


"Yeah. We're getting a divorce," She repeats with indifference, as if a divorce is no big deal.


"Hey, do you think I could pull this off?" She tries to change the subject calmly, holding up another shirt. But you're not willing to drop the subject, not when it's something as big as that.

"Wait, (Y/F/N), what do you mean you and him are getting a divorce?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about, (Y/N)," She hangs the shirt back, muttering, "I mean, it was bound to happen anyways..."

"What? What happened?"

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