I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Back

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(L/N) = Your Last Name

Yours and Patrick's divorce shocks everyone. The fans and even other band members and friends don't understand or realize the shit the two of you have gone through. They only know the good parts - the smiles, the laughs, the times you seemed to love each other. What they don't know about is the constant back and forth heartbreak the two of you have endured. Or the fights or arguments you've had.

The hardest part of this divorce for you, though, isn't being away from Patrick. It's being away from your kids. You didn't mind it so much at first, but as the days progressed, it just got worse. The expressions on their faces when you told them you weren't there to stay haunts you every day. The weight of the guilt of leaving them is constantly sitting on your shoulders. Pete tries to make you feel better, telling you you shouldn't feel bad for what you did, but his words mean nothing to you. You're well aware of what you've done and you feel absolutely terrible for it.

"This was supposed to make us all happy," You mutter as you look at yourself in the vanity mirror, fixing your hair.

"Are you saying you're not?" Pete retorts, standing in the doorway of his bedroom which he shares with you. He's wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white, ironed, button-down shirt. As for you, you're wearing a black pantsuit. What for? Yours and Patrick's court case for custody of the Ethan, Gabby, and Zach.

"No, I am. I'm just..." You heave a sigh and look back at him, "I'm going to lose this case, Pete. I know I am. But I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't see them again."

"Now what makes you think that?" He inquires, peeling himself away from the threshold and entering the room, walking up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Because I'm not...stable," You sadly meet his gaze in the reflective surface.

He chuckles, "And you think Patrick is?"

"He's more stable than me" You murmur, leaning forward out of Pete's grasp and putting your head in your hands, "Maybe he was right, Pete. Maybe I do need help. I mean, I went the doctors and she told me I needed to come back for more tests! I don't even know what tests! And then on top of that, she prescribed me these pills to...to...I don't even know what they fucking do but all I know is that they're making me feel weird and-"

"Hey," He wraps his arms around your front and leans down, kissing you on the head, "All you need is to fight your hardest today, okay? Don't worry about that stuff. We can worry about it later. So let's just worry about this right now."

"But Pete..."

"You're not going to lose your kids, (Y/N). I promise."


"The jury has come to a decision. Mr. Patrick Stump, due to Ms. (Y/N) (L/N)'s apparent current mental state, you have been granted full custody of Ethan, Gabriella, and Zachary Stump. Court dismissed." The judge hits her gavel down and everyone rises to their feet to leave, conversations quickly filling the air.

Your eyes flood with tears, and Pete jumps over the barrier separating the seats from the stand to pull you into a hug.  Patrick sees you and swallows the lump in his throat, looking back at the judge and standing up. "WAIT!" He calls out.

The whole room comes to a screeching halt and turns its attention to your ex-husband.

"Can't she at least get visiting privileges?" He inquires, walking around the table he and his lawyer were sitting at and up to the judge, "Please, she's their mom."

Something Worth Fighting For (Patrick Stump Imagine Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt